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Maintain Homeostasis How hard does your body work to maintain blood sugar concentration?

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Presentation on theme: "Maintain Homeostasis How hard does your body work to maintain blood sugar concentration?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Maintain Homeostasis How hard does your body work to maintain blood sugar concentration?

2 The Players Pancreas –Produces hormones insulin and glucagon Liver –Stores blood sugar as glycogen Produces the hormones insulin and glucagon Fat –Cells can store sugar when excess is in the blood

3 What should your blood sugar be? 70-125 mg/dL (units common sugar tests use) which equals < 7.0 mmol/L When would it be ok for your sugar to be on the higher end? When should it be at the lower end of this range?

4 How your body maintains this level:

5 Check your notes!

6 Feedback How your body responds to changing conditions. EX: High Blood Sugar: Turns ON insulin and turns OFF glucagon production.

7 Practice: Connecting Concepts Turn to your partner. You have just “tested” his/her blood sugar. The value is written on the board. Use your notes to discuss what SHOULD be happening to bring his/her blood sugar into the normal range.

8 Homeostasis Gone Haywire Diabetes –2 Types –What happens to the ability to metabolize sugar? –Read your article and recognize the difference between Type I and Type II diabetes! (these could be asked on your next test!)

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