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Birds Ch. 4 Sect. 1 This symbol means don’t write the text directly next to it unless you feel it will help you to better understand the concept. All.

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2 Birds Ch. 4 Sect. 1

3 This symbol means don’t write the text directly next to it unless you feel it will help you to better understand the concept. All text above and below that bullet must be written in your notes. Ex. –Write this –Don’t write this –Write this NOTE:

4 Vocabulary Words Aves Ornithology Contour Feathers Down Feathers Preening Crop Gizzard Gastroliths 4 Types of birds Archaeopteryx Protoavis

5 Classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Aves The study of birds is called Ornithology

6 Bird Characteristics 1.Flight adaptations –Flight is made possible because of their: Strong but lightweight skeletons Wings Feathers Strong flight muscles Efficient respiratory system Ability to quickly convert food into energy Well developed senses (especially eyesight)

7 Lyre Bird

8 2.Hollow Bones –Most bones of birds that fly are almost hollow These bones have thin cross braces inside that strengthen without adding weight. The hollow spaces are filled with air

9 –Many bones are joined together for added strength –Large sternum (breastbone) to support chest muscles need for flight –Last bones in the spine support the tail feathers which are needed for steering and balancing Birds do NOT have bones in their tails


11 3.Feathers –Birds are the only animals that have feathers –Two types of feathers: 1.Contour Feathers –Strong, lightweight –Give the bird its coloring and smooth shape –Flight feathers –Developed after hatching 2.Down Feathers –Soft, fluffy –Developed before hatching (baby birds are born with these) –Adults have them underneath their contour feathers –Work as insulation to help birds maintain their body heat

12 –Preening Birds have oil glands by the base of their tails Using their beaks birds rub oil from this gland over their feathers. This oil makes their feathers water-repellant

13 Body Systems Reproduction –Internal fertilization –Lay amniotic eggs Eggs are typically laid in a nest Group of eggs = clutch Incubated (kept warm) by one/both parents –Incubation period varies by species Young are cared for by one/both parents after they hatch

14 Digestive System –Flying requires large amounts of energy to supply this energy a bird’s digestive system changes food into energy very quickly Ex. Some birds can digest food in 1 hour Humans can take 24 hours to digest food – Birds have powerful beaks for crushing but no teeth

15 Passage through a Bird’s digestive system: 1.Mouth 2.Crop - Food waits here to absorb enough moisture to move on 3.Stomach - Food is partially digested 4.Gizzard - Food is ground and crushed by small stones the bird has swallowed - These stones are called gastroliths 5.Intestines 6.Nutrients move into the blood stream and wastes are secreted out the cloaca

16 The gizzard of a loon WARNING: This is kind of icky. Can you spot the gastroliths?


18 Respiratory System –Birds are endotherms Endotherms maintain their own internal body temperature –Birds have two lungs Each lung is connected to balloon-like air sacs that reach into different parts of the body Most of the air inhaled by a bird passes directly into the air sacs behind the lungs When a bird exhales the air with oxygen passes from the air sacs into the lungs This means that birds get oxygen when they inhale and exhale!



21 Circulatory System –Large 4 chambered heart Ex. A sparrow’s heart is 1.68% of its body weight a humans is only 0.42% The four chambers keep oxygenated blood separate from carbon dioxide blood. Bird’s hearts beat very rapidly –A hummingbird’s heart can beat over 1,000 times per minute! The average human’s resting heart rate is only 72.

22 Groups of Birds There are 4 main groups 1.Flightless Birds - Ex. emu, ostriches 2.Water Birds - Ex. swans, flamingos 3.Birds of Prey - Ex. owls and hawks 4.Song Birds - Ex. cuckoo, nightingale


24 Kingfisher – A Bird of Prey What we seeWhat a fish sees

25 King Fisher

26 The Importance of Birds Benefits: Food Raw Materials (ex. feathers) Pets Pest Control –Ex. Owls eat mice Pollinators –Pollen is transferred from flower to flower by their feathers –Seeds can also be dispersed in their droppings Negatives: Droppings can damage buildings/cars Their waste can contain harmful microorganisms

27 Origin of Birds Scientists hypothesize that birds developed from reptiles millions of years ago Archaeopteryx is the oldest birdlike fossil –150 mya –Solid bones, teeth, bony tail Protoavis –225 mya –Hollow bones, well developed sternum, teeth –May have been the first species of birds

28 Grouping Birds Birds in general - A flock of birds –Chickens - A peep of chickens –Crows - A murder of crows –Ducks - A paddling of ducks –Falcons - A cast of falcons –Parrots - A company of parrots –Swans- A ballet of swans –Turkey – A rafter of turkeys

29 The End!

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