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A DYNAMIC TRANSFORMATION Medieval to Early Modern Europe.

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1 A DYNAMIC TRANSFORMATION Medieval to Early Modern Europe

2 Objectives Today we will be able to identify characteristics of Medieval Europe in order to gain context to the transformation of Europe from the Medieval era to the Early Modern era.

3 Medieval Social Structure During the Medieval era, Europe would develop the social structure it would hold for centuries  Clergy – Prayed and cared for souls  Nobles – Governed and fought  Peasants – Labored in the fields The Clergy  Priests, teachers, judges, nurses, landlords, and chaplains  Nobles – Owned most of the land and wealth. Nobility was established through titles and became hereditary. Nobles did not work, but prepared for battle and to defend their land and monarch.  index=1&list=PLsli6yLw4ny1BJ4S4wab3vKDYohxuG EC0 index=1&list=PLsli6yLw4ny1BJ4S4wab3vKDYohxuG EC0 Peasants lived on the land of nobles and provide labor in return for protection. Peasants had no legal protection. 85 percent of the population of medieval Europe were peasants. 

4 Political Fragmentation in Medieval Europe Europe experienced an influx of new peoples and cultures with the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5 th century AD.  Magyars, Norse or Vikings, Arabs, Mongols, etc…  These influences provided for the political and cultural fragmentation of Europe. By 1500, Europe consisted of approximately 1500 fragmented states.  As a result, Economic, political and judicial insistutions were local.

5 A Crossroads of Cultures Europe stood at a crossroads of civilizations and religions  Catholic western and central Europe,  Eastern Orthodox Christianity in eastern Europe  Ottoman Empire in southeastern Europe

6 Religion and Popular Culture Religion played an great role in the daily lives of Europeans in the Middle Ages. Religion was the unifying force during the Dark Ages which carried over into the Middle Ages and gave clergy great prestige and influence. For peasants, salvation could occur by confessing sins to clergy who would then absolve Christians of their sins. Religion permeated all aspects of Medieval art and music.

7 The Transformation of Europe During the late Middle Ages, social and economic advances occurred.  More town developed, and the city states of the Mediterranean supported the age of Discovery. The dynamic nature of this period led to the influences that would transform Europe into a more culturally diverse, and economically stable society moving forward.

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