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EQUAL EMPLOYMENT notes. Equal Employment Title VII Pregnancy Discrimination Act FMLAADAADEAEqual Pay Act.

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2 Equal Employment Title VII Pregnancy Discrimination Act FMLAADAADEAEqual Pay Act

3 TITLE VII OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT Prohibits Discrimination in the United States Based on:  Race  Color  Sex  Religion  National Origin *Create the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

4 TITLE VII OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT Prohibits Discrimination in all employment areas:  Hiring  Compensation  Employment Terms – part time, full time, etc.  Working Conditions  Promotion  Training

5 ILLEGAL DISCRIMINATION Definition:  Results from conduct that causes members of a protect class to be unfairly set apart from others.  Protected Classes – minorities, women, older workers, military, religions.

6 ADEA Age Discrimination in Employment Act Poor economic times and an aging workforce has led to more complaints of age discrimination. Think About It: When would mandatory retirements be legal?

7 ADEA Age Discrimination in Employment Act Prohibits discrimination against employees 40 years of age or older  Discrimination in firing  Higher pay – company could save money if they were let go first  Discrimination in hiring  Workers had to be paid more because of experience level  Shorter career potential with the company

8 ADA Americans with Disabilities Act Prohibits discrimination based on a disability in all aspects of the employment relationship. Requires employers to make reasonable accommodations for disable employees  As long as an undue burden is not on the employer

9 ADA Defining a Disability 1.A mental or physical impairment that limits one or more major life functions 2.A record of having such impairment 3.Being regarded as having such impairment

10 EXAMPLES OF ADA DISABILITIES Blindness Deafness Paralysis Loss of Limb Cancer Mental or Emotional Illness Mental Retardation Learning Disabilities

11 NICE TRY BUT NO… Denied Disability Claims  Pyromania  Kleptomania  Drug Addiction  Stress  Carpal Tunnel  Dental Problems  Obesity  Allergies

12 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT GROUP TALK Read and discuss each scenario. On a sheet of paper, answer the following: 1.What law does this case fall under?  Ex: Title VII – Race Discrimination 2.Does the complaint fall under illegal discrimination?  Ex: Yes 3.Prove it with 2 facts from the complaint.  The applicant is protected because he is African American.  He was denied an application, yet other white applicants received an application for the same job

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