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Unit 5 School Life How do you usually go Topic 1 How do you usually go to school? to school? Section D.

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2 Unit 5 School Life How do you usually go Topic 1 How do you usually go to school? to school? Section D

3 4a Grammar focus : I never go to school by subway. I seldom walk to school. Maria sometimes takes the subway home. Li Xiang often rides a bike to school. We usually go to the park on foot. They always go to the zoo by bus. How often do you come to the library? Very often./ Twice a week./ Four times a year./ Every day. Frequency

4 ( ) 1.Miss Yang _______ goes to Wuhan by bus. ( ) 2. Mr. Rui seldom goes to Nanjing ________. ( ) 3. Mr. He _________ takes the subway to his office. ( ) 4. Ms. Wang often____________to the Great Wall. ( ) 5. Tom _____ goes to Xi’an by bus, but by plane. always never by train sometimes drives a car Listen to the sentences and fill in the blanks. C B D E A B C D E A

5 开始;着手 一会儿;一段时间 床 beginwhile bed


7 Read the passage carefully and complete the table. (1)What does Jane usually do at twenty past six? (2)How many classes does she have in the morning? (3)How does she go home? (4)What time does she go to bed? She usually gets up at twenty past six. She has four classes in the morning. She takes the subway home. She goes to bed at about a quarter to ten.

8 Read the passage carefully and complete the table. Time Activity 6:20 a.m. gets up has breakfast 7:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. after school gets home after dinner goes to bed 7:00 a.m. goes to school has lunch plays soccer 5:30 p.m. does her homework 9:45 p.m.

9 4bUseful expressions Happy New Year! The same to you. The early bird catches the worm. Nice talking to you. Work must come first! She goes to bed at about a quarter to ten.

10 你发现了吗, 红色字母都发什么音呢? woman sofa panda China ------ eleven different often parent ------ ship listen begin big --------- forty happy any money -------

11 Listen and follow

12 你能找出这些单词的读音规则吗? about England afraid again ----- in this Miss him ----- begin England jacket excuse ---- computer tomorrow police today ----

13 试着读一读下面的单词吧。 autumn August column again banana American police today tomorrow Miss animal minute

14 Survey your classmates about their school life. Item Name how to go to school where to have lunch when to leave school what to do after school Li Ming …

15 Compare the school life of American students with yours and write a passage. You may begin like this: The school life of American students is different from ours …

16 Review of Topic 1 1. 两种问候方式。 2. 八种交通工具。 3. 六个频度副词。 4.10 个日常活动的词组。 5. 零冠词用法: 一日三餐,各门学科。 球类运动,棋类游戏。 星期季节月份,称呼人名地名。

17 1. 你早餐吃什么? 2. 他晚上很少玩电脑游戏吗? 3. 你在工作日都做些什么? 4. 早起的鸟有虫吃。 5. 在家看小说 6. 放学后 7. 看动物 8. 上课 9. 做运动 10. 新年快乐 11. 你也一样 12. 打扫房子 13. 步行上学 14. 七点半前

18 写一篇关于自己日常活动的短 文。要求 : (1) 使用一般现在时。 (2) 尽可能多地使用学过的频度 副词。


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