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Federal Accountability Accountability Policy Advisory Committee (APAC) and Accountability Technical Advisory Committee (ATAC) Meeting | March 5, 2012 Texas.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal Accountability Accountability Policy Advisory Committee (APAC) and Accountability Technical Advisory Committee (ATAC) Meeting | March 5, 2012 Texas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal Accountability Accountability Policy Advisory Committee (APAC) and Accountability Technical Advisory Committee (ATAC) Meeting | March 5, 2012 Texas Education Agency | Office of Assessment and Accountability Division of Performance Reporting

2 2012 Federal Accountability

3  Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) evaluations for all public school districts and campuses are required by federal regulation.  In December 2010, Texas requested to carry forward 2011 AYP Status and School Improvement Program (SIP) interventions for districts and campuses for the 2012-13 school year. The U.S. Department of Education (USDE) did not approve the request. 3

4 2012 Federal Accountability  The federal accountability advisory group, Title I Committee of Practitioners (COPS), reviewed and approved recommended changes to the 2012 AYP Workbook.  The 2012 Texas AYP Workbook was submitted on February 15, 2012.  The USDE approved the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) to the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) Bridge Study on February 17, 2012. 4

5 2012 Federal Accountability Summary of Federal Requirements  2012 AYP Performance standards increase in rigor:  87% in reading/English language arts (ELA), and  83% in mathematics.  Federal regulations require 2012 AYP graduation rate evaluations of All Students and every student group.  Participation Rate and Attendance Rate standards remain unchanged. 7

6 2012 Federal Accountability Summary of Texas Amendment Requests  Evaluate 2012 AYP and School Improvement Program (SIP) statuses based on:  2011-12 TAKS results for grade 10,  2011-12 STAAR results for grades 3-8 at the TAKS proficiency standard, and  2011-12 STAAR EOC results for grades 8 and below at the TAKS proficiency standard for Algebra I and English I reading.  Maintain the 2011 Graduate Rate Targets for 2012 AYP. 8

7 ESEA Reauthorization  The current federal blueprint for the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) proposes that, by 2020, states adopt state-developed standards in English language arts (ELA) and mathematics to build toward college- and career-readiness by the time students graduate from high school and adopt high-quality statewide assessments aligned with these standards. The blueprint is located at:  At this time, a timeline for when the ESEA reauthorization will occur is under consideration and not available. 9

8 AYP Resources  For more information on AYP, see the 2011 AYP Guide, accessible at  The current Texas AYP Workbook, as of October 12, 2011, is at  FAQs about AYP are available at  USDE information is available at  Contact the Division of Performance Reporting by email at or phone at (512) 463-9704.performance.reporting@tea.state.tx.u 10

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