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The Collaborative Semantic Grid David De Roure University of Southampton, UK

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1 The Collaborative Semantic Grid David De Roure University of Southampton, UK

2 November 2005SNAC2 Semantics in and on the Grid The Semantic Grid is an extension of the current Grid in which information and services are given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation

3 November 2005SNAC3 The Semantic Grid challenge my Grid Combechem Wish to reuse –Data –Services –Knowledge –Software –Practice Anticipated use Unanticipated use

4 November 2005SNAC4 New ways of discovery: e-Science A large part of scientific discovery is now a joint human machine endeavour Distributed, collaborative community endeavour Virtual organizations include people With this will come new ways of accessing and understanding results We need new tools and methods to understand the knowledge landscape

5 November 2005SNAC5 Message Using community to map knowledge Using knowledge to map community e-Science is a distributed, collaborative community endeavour, i.e. virtual organizations We need to focus on both…

6 November 2005SNAC6 Grid E-Scientists Entire e-Science Cycle Encompassing experimentation, analysis, publication, research, learning Institutional Archive Local Web Publisher Holdings Digital Library E-Scientists Graduate Students Undergraduate Students Virtual Learning Environment E-Experimentation E-Scientists Technical Reports Reprints Peer- Reviewed Journal & Conference Papers Preprints & Metadata Certified Experimental Results & Analyses Data, Metadata & Ontologies

7 November 2005SNAC7 CombeChem Smart Tea

8 November 2005SNAC8

9 November 2005SNAC9 CombeChem Semantic Datagrid Existing datastores linked by triplestores Harvested data 150 million triples available, 84 million in store Chemists appreciate powerful queries and flexibility Metadata infrastructure is in place A social experiment! e.g. Chemists built ontology for units

10 November 2005SNAC10 BuddySpace Compendium I-X Process panels Meeting Replay BuddySpace Compendium I-X Process panels Jabber Server KMI, AIAI

11 November 2005SNAC11 NASA Scenario Compendium maps from trained compendium astronaut Remote Science Team (RST) on earth e.g. geologists Video and Science Data 2. Virtual meeting of RST using CoAKTinG tools Plan for next Day’s EVA 1. Astronauts debrief on EVA Mars

12 November 2005SNAC12 Images from NASA

13 November 2005SNAC13 Meeting Replay tool for Earth scientists, synchronising video of Mars crew’s discussion with their Compendium maps Copyright, 2004, RIACS/NASA Ames, Open University, Southampton University Not to be used without permission RIACS/NASA Ames Research Center Mobile Agents Project Maarten Sierhuis KMi Open University CoAKTinG Project Simon Buckingham- Shum & Al Selvin Southampton University CoAKTinG Project Kevin Page Danius Michaelides Dave De Roure Nigel Shadbolt

14 November 2005SNAC14 The CS AKTive Space: International Semantic Web Challenge Winner 24/7 update of content Content continually harvested and acquired against community agreed ontology Easy access to information gestalts - who, what, where Hot spots –Institutions –Individuals –Topics Dynamic Communities of Practice… Impact of research –citation services etc –funding levels –Changes and deltas

15 November 2005SNAC15 AKT Community of Practice Tool Based on the AKT reference ontology Integrates a range of information from different sources – mediated via the ontology Can see the CoP change through time Can have CoPs of people, projects – any object in the ontology NB FOAF

16 November 2005SNAC16 Summary e-Science is a distributed collaborative community endeavour –Community maps knowledge –Knowledge maps community Semantic Web technologies facilitate both –Social networks for virtual organizations Cyberinfrastructure environments need tools to study and support communities of practice

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