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WHO ASHLEY IS By Ashley Arnold. WHERE ASHLEY CAME FROM -Ashley’s Early Years -High School -Military Life -New Chapter -Salt Lake CIty.

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Presentation on theme: "WHO ASHLEY IS By Ashley Arnold. WHERE ASHLEY CAME FROM -Ashley’s Early Years -High School -Military Life -New Chapter -Salt Lake CIty."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHO ASHLEY IS By Ashley Arnold

2 WHERE ASHLEY CAME FROM -Ashley’s Early Years -High School -Military Life -New Chapter -Salt Lake CIty

3 ASHLEY’S EARLY YEARS  Ashley grew up in the family farm house in Monee, IL from birth until age 16. She was the youngest of three siblings. Growing up, she didn’t have many friends. She felt like an outcast most of the time. She always did well in school and enjoyed playing out on the farm while being young.

4 HIGH SCHOOL  High school was a time where Ashley was trying to figure out who she was. She experimented with drinking, with different groups of friends, and different activities and new sports. She found her sports niche as a runner and her favorite activities to be outdoorsy ones.  Ashley was disconnected from her family through most of her high school years. She did not feel as part of any community, but instead as an outsider to all groups she participated in.

5 HIGH SCHOOL, CONT.  During high school, Ashley discovered the song, “I’m Movin’ On” by Rascall Flats. This became her theme song and has stuck as such to this day.  As she was finishing up high school, she decided to enlist in the US Army.

6 MILITARY LIFE  Ashley had a place she belonged in the military, for a while. She then felt disconnected from her society of service-members as well as civilians. After 5 years, she left the regular Army and joined the Tennessee National Guard.  She spent 6 years in the National Guard and felt a part of the culture. After 6 years, it was time for her to go back to the words of her theme song: I’m Movin’ On. It was time for her to start a new chapter in her life.

7 NEW CHAPTER  The new chapter was supposed to be filled with fun and training with her sister, Meghan. Instead it was began with celebrating Meghan’s life after she died at an early age of 30 from an ice climbing accident. Ashley still decided to stick with her theme of movin’ on and moved out to Utah.  She found Utah to be a wonderful place and an amazing community of climbers and other outdoor enthusiasts as well as veterans that welcomed her to the new city.

8 SALT LAKE CITY  The new chapter of her life began to form in Salt Lake City, UT as a nursing student, volunteer, ski/snowboard instructor, and CNA. She found many new friends and amazing people to spend time with.  She found that this was a place where she fit in for what felt like the first time in her life. She became an appreciated part of the veterans community and had positive, upbeat friends who were interested in her well-being instead of just their own.


10 TODAY IN ASHLEY’S LIFE  Ashley has become an active member of her VFW post as well as a coach with the VA Recreation Therapy rock climbing group and the local chapter of Team River Runner.  She is a CNA and completing prerequisites for nursing school.  Ashley remains an outdoor enthusiast and enjoys her job as a ski and snowboard instructor.  She has matured into a solid rock climber and outdoors enthusiast.


12 NEXT IN ASHLEY'S LIFE  Ashley will remain an active part of the Salt Lake City veterans community with her current programs and most likely others in the future.  She will complete her prerequisites, get accepted into nursing school and hopes to become an exceptional nurse.  Ashley will continue working in the outdoors industry in snow sports and will most likely expand into other parts of the community such as SCUBA.

13 HOW IS ASHLEY CONNECTED TO HER WORLD? -Culture -Community -Society

14 CULTURE  Throughout Ashley’s life, she has learned how to be very independent. She moved out of her parents’ house as a young teenager. She feels as part of America’s culture of misfits and transplants. She doesn’t have family traditions or close family ties.

15 COMMUNITY  The only community that has stayed consistent as a part of Ashley’s life is the military community that became the veteran community. She became part of this community of service members when she signed her contract (pre- 9-11) and went to basic training (post- 9-11). Although she chose to leave the military before retirement, she became an active part of the veterans community due to her experiences in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as stateside with her units.

16 SOCIETY  Ashley has never felt connected to society as a whole. Pivotal life events for her instead made her to feel more disconnected each time. Being a veteran, she feels as an outcast from society as they don’t understand combat veterans well. She wants to help society understand veterans and help them feel more accepted as part of society.

17 ASHLEY AS A PERSON How she views herself, her environment, and her lifestyle

18 VIEW OF SELF  Ashley’s self image has always needed improvement. She now has the highest self image she has had throughout her life. This is due to the positive circle of friends she has chosen to surround herself with since moving to SLC a year ago. Different events in her life kept her self image poor, but she has learned that she is worth a lot, smart, and a great friend.

19 VIEW OF ENVIRONMENT  Throughout Ashley’s life, her environment has changed significantly. She grew up on a farm that her family manages. Upon completion of high school, she entered the military and moved around the USA, Iraq, and Afghanistan throughout the next 11 years.  Her current environment is that of amazing mountains and an amazing adult playground of great outdoor activities right outside her door. This outdoor recreation haven has provided her much spiritual relief as well as a place to find herself and be able to slow down and do some soul searching.

20 VIEW OF LIFESTYLE  Growing up, Ashley’s lifestyle was rather typical: go to school, go home, have dinner with family, go to bed, repeat.  In the military, her life was dictated very much through required activities and long days of training.  Now that she is a civilian again, she appreciates the freedom to set her own schedule, do as she pleases, and enjoy life. Her lifestyle is a busy one, yet one full of outdoor recreation, work, and volunteering.

21 LIFESTYLE, CONT.  Her lifestyle is atypical of her cohort. She has not settled down, rented a house or apartment, found a significant other, or provided herself with a steady income. Instead, she lives with friends or out of her truck, and is constantly on the go. Instead of caring for herself first, she cares for her friends first and sets herself second.

22 NOTES:  The disjointed flow of this presentation is on purpose. It gives you the feel of the disjointed life that Ashley has led. Her life hasn’t been one of comfort and wealth but instead one of challenges and work. She’s made it through each challenge along the way to become who she is today, and that, my friend, is the tough Ashley Arnold we all know and love.

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