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Jeopardy IntroductionMeasurementDesign IReinforcementFBA $100 $200$200 $300 $500 $400 $300 $400 $300 $400 $500 $400.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy IntroductionMeasurementDesign IReinforcementFBA $100 $200$200 $300 $500 $400 $300 $400 $300 $400 $500 $400."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy IntroductionMeasurementDesign IReinforcementFBA $100 $200$200 $300 $500 $400 $300 $400 $300 $400 $500 $400

2 Introduction--$100 Behavior that can be observed or recorded by another person. answer

3 Introduction--$200 Behavior that is not observable to others. May be referred to as private events. answer

4 Introduction--$300 An undesirable target behavior the person wants to decrease in frequency, duration, or intensity. answer

5 Introduction--$400 The behavior to be modified. answer

6 Introduction--$500 A stimulus or event that precedes the target behavior. answer

7 Measurement--$100 A dimension of behavior, specifically the physical force or magnitude of the behavior. answer

8 Measurement--$200 A dimension of behavior, specifically the time from the onset of the behavior to the offset of the behavior. answer

9 Measurement--$300 A dimension of behavior-- specifically the number of times a behavior occurs in a specific time period. answer

10 Measurement--$400 A type of of behavior recording procedure in which the observation period is divided into a number of consecutive time intervals and the behavior is recorded as occurring or not in each interval. answer

11 Measurement-$500 A dimension of behavior, specifically the time from some stimulus to the onset of the behavior. answer

12 Designs--$100 The targeted behavior. answer

13 Designs--$200 The intervention, or, what the research manipulates to produce a change in the target behavior. answer

14 Designs--$300 A research design consisting of a baseline and a treatment phase. answer

15 Designs--$400 A research design in which a number of different criterion levels are set for the behavior during the treatment phase. answer

16 Designs--$500 A research design in which baseline and treatment condition are conducted in rapid succession. answer

17 Reinforcement-$100 A type of reinforcement in which the occurrence of the behavior is followed by the removal or avoidance of an aversive stimulus. It results in increase in the future probability of the behavior. answer

18 Reinforcement--$200 An event that increases the potency of a particular reinforcer at a particular time. answer

19 Reinforcement--$300 A type of reinforcement in which, contingent on the behavior, a stimulus or event is presented and the probability of the behavior increases in the future. answer

20 Reinforcement--$400 A conditioned reinforcer that has been paired with a variety of other reinforcers. Money is an example because it is paired with (exchanged for) an almost unlimited variety of reinforcers. answer

21 Reinforcement--$500 A schedule of reinforcement in which not every instance of the behavior is followed by the delivery of the reinforcer. answer

22 FBA--$100 A functional assessment method involving direct observation of the antecedents, the target behavior, and the consequences of the behavior. answer

23 FBA--$200 A type of functional assessment procedure in which you record each half hour whether the behavior occurred in the preceding half hour. Used to establish the temporal pattern in the behavior. answer

24 FBA--$300 Assessment that relies on the assessment information from others. The information on the problem behavior, antecedents, and consequences is not derived from direct observation but from retrospective report in interviews and questionnaires. answer

25 FBA--$400 Behavioral assessment involving direct observation and recording of the behavior as it occurs. answer

26 FBA--$500 Manipulating antecedent or consequent variables to demonstrate their influence on the problem behavior using an Alternating Treatment Design. answer

27 Introduction--$100 A: What is overt behavior? Back to board

28 Introduction--$200 A: What is covert behavior? Back to board

29 Introduction--$300 A: What is excess behavior? Back to board

30 Introduction--$400 A: What is the target behavior? Back to board

31 Introduction--$500 A: What is antecdent? Back to board

32 Measurement--$100 A: What is intensity? Back to board

33 Measurement--$200 A: What is duration? Back to board

34 Measurement--$300 A: What is frequency? Back to board

35 Measurement--$400 A: What is a interval recording? Back to board

36 Measurement--$500 A: What is latency? Back to board

37 Designs--$100 A: What is the dependent variable? Back to board

38 Designs--$200 A: What is the independent variable? Back to board

39 Designs--$300 A: What is A-B Design? Back to board

40 Designs--$400 A: What is Changing Criterion Design? Back to board

41 Designs--$500 A: What is Alternating Treatment Design? Back to board

42 Reinforcement--$100 A: What is negative reinforcement? Back to board

43 Reinforcement--$200 A: What is establishing operation? Back to board

44 Reinforcement--$300 A: What is positive reinforcement? Back to board

45 Reinforcement--$400 A: What is generalized reinforcement? Back to board

46 Reinforcement--$500 A: What is intermittent reinforcement? Back to board

47 FBA--$100 A: What is A-B-C Analysis? Back to board

48 FBA--$200 A: What is a scatter plot? Back to board

49 FBA--$300 A: What is indirect assessment? Back to board

50 FBA--$400 A: What is direct assessment? Back to board

51 FBA--$500 A: What is experimental manipulations or functional analysis? Back to board

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