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Emme Modeller Applications Puget Sound Regional Council’s Model Conversion via Emme Modeller 22 nd International Emme Users’ Conference September 15-16,

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Presentation on theme: "Emme Modeller Applications Puget Sound Regional Council’s Model Conversion via Emme Modeller 22 nd International Emme Users’ Conference September 15-16,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Emme Modeller Applications Puget Sound Regional Council’s Model Conversion via Emme Modeller 22 nd International Emme Users’ Conference September 15-16, 2011 Portland, OR

2 2 2 Presentation Overview Context Conversion Examples Conclusions

3 Context

4 44 Model Basics General: Hybrid Trip-based (Activity Generator for Trip Generation) 5 Global Iterations (Feedback to Activity/Trip Generation) 10 Trip Purposes (HBWork Stratified by 4 Income Groups) 5 Time Periods (Homed-based Purposes, Auto Modes Only) Mode Choice Market Segmentation (Car- Worker/Person) 5 Transit Sub-Modes (Drive- and Walk-Access) AM,MD Transit Assignments by Sub-Mode Generalized Cost/Multi-Class Vehicle Assignments (11) Approximately 200 Macros (Report Files x5) Lengthy Runtimes (16 – 24 Hours)

5 55 Model Structure Emmebanks (5): Bank 1 (4.4gb, 750 full matrices)  HBWork & College Distribution, Mode Choice, AM Transit and Auto Assignments Bank 2 (3.0 gb, 500 full matrices)  HBNon-Work/NHB Distribution, Mode Choice, Mid-Day Transit and Auto Assignments Bank 3 (1.5 gb, 200 full matrices)  PM, Evening, Night Auto Assignments Time of Day (1.4 gb, 250 full matrices)  P>A and A>P Shares by Time of Day by O-D Pair Trip Generation (1.2 gb, 200 full matrices)

6 66 Other Considerations Integration with Other PSRC Models: UrbanSim Benefit-Cost Analysis Tool Activity-Based Travel Model Utilization of Staff Resources: UrbanSim ~ 5 Benefit-Cost ~ 1 Travel Modelers ~ 4 Other ~ 1 Regional Modeling Community: Legacy Local Jurisdiction Models and Modellers Production Model Ready for Next Major Project

7 Conversion

8 88 Immediate Needs Accommodate New Zones and Networks: Zones increased from 1,200 to 4,000 Network links increased from 19,500 to 41,000 Restructure Model: Smaller emmebanks (in terms of full matrices) Disentangle/simplify complex models (e.g. HBW Mode Choice) Testing: Models Structures Improve runtimes Documentation: Incorporate changes, improvements, updates Validation

9 99 Longer Term Strategic Needs Develop “Junior” Staff – Travel Modeling Capacity: Limited Budgets/Staffing (i.e., “Do More with Less”) AB Model Develop Staff Python Language Skills: PSRC Heavily Invested in Python Range of Skill Levels (No Experience/Novice – Expert) Maintain Culture of Research and Development: In-House Model Specification/Estimation (e.g., OPUS and UrbanSim) Serve Regional Modeling Community: Clearinghouse/One-Stop-Shop/A-la-carte Services Maintain Future Flexibility: Tons of Unknowns

10 10 Schedule and Status Schedule: Original:  Conversion May-August, Finished by Conference Actual:  Installed Beta in May, Distracted by Other Stuff Until Mid- August, Not Finished by Conference, Hope to Finish by End of Calendar Year Progress: Testing and Experimentation Built/Implemented Simple Non-Work Distribution Demo Tool Specs Exported

11 Examples

12 12 Non-Work Distribution ~/ --- Prepare HB-Shopping friction factors 3.21 ~+|1|y|mf"hspfri"|n exp(-.1590*mf91) ~+|||y|1,956||1,956||2 ~+|1|y|mf"hspfri"|n mf"hspfri"*1 ~+|||y|1,956||1,956||2|q ~/ ~/ --- Set HB-Shopping Friction Factors Equal to Zero for ~/ Externals to Prevent E-E Trips 3.21 ~+|1|y|mf"hspfri"|n|0|||y|939,956||939,956||2|q ~/ ~/ --- Prepare HB-Other (not school or college) friction factors 3.21 ~+|1|y|mf"hbofri"|n exp(-.1455*mf91) ~+|||y|1,956||1,956||2|q ~/ ~/ --- Set HB-Other Friction Factors Equal to Zero for ~/ Externals to Prevent E-E Trips 3.21 ~+|1|y|mf"hbofri"|n|0|||y|939,956||939,956||2|q ~/ ~/ --- Prepare NHB Work-Other friction factors 3.21 ~+|1|y|mf"wkofri"|n exp(-.0795*mf91) ~+|||y|1,956||1,956||2|q ~/ ~/ --- Set NHB Work-Other Friction Factors Equal to Zero for ~/ Externals to Prevent E-E Trips 3.21 ~+|1|y|mf"wkofri"|n|0|||y|939,956||939,956||2|q ~/ ~/ --- Prepare NHB Other-Other friction factors 3.21 ~+|1|y|mf"otofri"|n exp(-.1235*mf91) ~+|||y|1,956||1,956||2|q ~/ ~/ --- Set NHB Other-Other Friction Factors Equal to Zero for ~/ Externals to Prevent E-E Trips 3.21 ~+|1|y|mf"otofri"|n|0|||y|939,956||939,956||2|q ~/ ~/ Non-Work Friction Factor Calculation Completed! reports= ~/ --- Compute distributed daily trips for Home-Based Shopping 3.22 ~+|1|mf"hspfri"|mo"hsppro"|md"hspatt"|y ~+|1,956||1,956||~?q=3|2|~?q=1|y||2|1|mf"hspdst"|n|2 q ~/ ~/ Sum Retail and FIRES Employment 3.21 ~+|1|y|md98|n|md"retail"+md"fires"|||n|2 q ~/ Reproportion HB Other Attractions ~<run2mac\predbal.mac mo"hbopro" md98 mf100 30 md"hboatt" ~/ ~/ --- Compute distributed daily trips for Home-Based Other 3.22 ~+|1|mf"hbofri"|mo"hbopro"|md"hboatt"|y ~+|1,956||1,956||~?q=3|2|~?q=1|y||2|1|mf"hbodst"|n|2 q ~/ ~/ --- Add special generators to HBO trip table ~/ 3.21 ~+|1|y|ms"upper2"|n|mo"upper2"|||y|1,956||+|2 ~+|1|y|mf"hbodst"|n|mf"hbodst" + mo"upper2"/ms"upper2"*(md"spghbo"+0.75*md"spgapt") ~+|||y|1,956||1,956||2 q ~/ ~/ --- Compute distributed daily trips for NHB Work-Other 3.22 ~+|1|mf"wkofri"|mo"wkopro"|md"wkoatt"|y ~+|1,956||1,956||~?q=3|2|~?q=1|y||2|1|mf"wkodst"|n|2 q ~/ ~/ --- Add special generators of airport trips to Work-Other trip table ~/ 3.21 ~+|1|y|md"wkotot"|n|mf"wkodst"|||y|1,956||1,956||+|2 ~+|1|y|mf"wkodst"|n|mf"wkodst" + 0.25*md"spgapt"*mf"wkodst"/md"wkotot" ~+||md"wkotot"|0,0,exclude|y|1,956||1,956||2 q ~/ ~/ --- Compute distributed daily trips for NHB Other-Other 3.22 ~+|1|mf"otofri"|mo"otopro"|md"otoatt"|y ~+|1,956||1,956||~?q=3|2|~?q=1|y||2|1|mf"otodst"|n|2 q

13 13 Non-Work Distribution

14 14 Non-Work Distribution

15 15 Non-Work Distribution

16 16 Non-Work Distribution

17 17 Non-Work Distribution

18 18 Non-Work Distribution

19 19 Non-Work Distribution

20 20 Non-Work Distribution

21 21 Non-Work Distribution

22 22 Non-Work Distribution

23 23 Non-Work Distribution

24 24 AM Auto Assignment ~/ --- Setting Assignment Options and Parameters ~+|2|2|1 ~+|s|@toll1|0.0383|mf"avehda" ~+|h|@toll2|0.0199|mf"avehs2" ~+|i|@toll3|0.0158|mf"avehs3" ~+|j|@toll4|0.0059|mf"avpool" ~+|s|@toll1|0.0627|mf"ahbw1v" ~+|s|@toll1|0.0340|mf"ahbw2v" ~+|s|@toll1|0.0233|mf"ahbw3v" ~+|s|@toll1|0.0180|mf"ahbw4v" ~+|v|@trkc1|0.0150|mf"alttrk" ~+|u|@trkc2|0.0133|mf"amdtrk" ~+|t|@trkc3|0.0120|mf"ahvtrk" / 4000 / Maximum Memory for Paths 0.001 / Path Cost Equality Tolerance (Initial Proportion) 30 / Path Cost Equality Tolerance (Refinement Iteration) 0.00001 / Path Cost Equality Tolerance (Refined Proportion) 5 / Number of Iterations between Gap Computations %1% / Maximum Number of PG Assignment Iterations 0.01 / Stopping Criterion for Best Relative Gap (Percent) 0.0001 / Stopping Criterion for Relative Gap 0.001 / Stopping Criterion for Normalized Gap (Excess Average Cost) ~/ --- Running Path Based Assignment

25 25 AM Auto Assignment

26 26 AM Auto Assignment

27 Conclusions

28 28 Conclusions Some Lessons Learned: Not Much Python Experience Needed INRO Tutorial, Winnepeg Demo and Sourcecode Useful Devote Significant Blocks of Time to Make Progress Logbook an Added Bonus Report Files Easier to Manage and Navigate Powerful Desktop API More Relevant Next Steps: Develop Custom Tools for PSRC Toolbox Link Tools for Basic Functional Model Layer In Model Idiosyncrasies and Complexity GUI Development

29 29 Conclusions Why Modeller? Model Development and Organization Staff Development  Applied Learning/Experimentation Python-based Flexibility Just Ready For It…  No More Macros  U-I Driven

30 Puget Sound Regional Council: Chris Johnson and Craig Helmann

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