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Stamp Act Boston Tea Party Boston Massacre Quiz Yourself

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1 Stamp Act Boston Tea Party Boston Massacre Quiz Yourself
Road to the Revolution Stamp Act Boston Tea Party Boston Massacre Quiz Yourself By: Paul Volkman

2 Boston Tea Party Picture
Index Click on the Picture and find the hidden hyperlink!

3 Boston Tea Party This was a response by Colonial patriots to the Tea Act, another British law passed that taxed colonists heavily on tea The participants disguised themselves as Mohawk Indians, and raided tea ships in the Boston Harbor, dumping thousands of dollars worth of tea overboard Of course, this did not sit well with the King, as he passed even more legislation cracking down on the American colonies Return to Index See the Picture To the Quiz

4 Boston Massacre Picture

5 Boston Massacre This even took place in Boston in 1770
Here, 5 colonists were killed by British soldiers stationed in the city There are many theories as to what happened, however most suggest that the killings stemmed from something not so serious This enraged colonists who viewed this as a major turning point to their alliance with the king To Quiz See the Picture Return to Index

6 Stamp Act Picture Index

7 Stamp Act The Stamp Act was passed by British Parliament
It required colonists pay a tax on items such as playing cards, marriage licenses, and various other paper products This caused colonists to become very upset, as they felt it was unjust to be taxed on everyday items without having representation in the British government See the Picture Return to Index To the Quiz!!

8 Quiz Yourself How many people Died in the Boston Massacre? A.) 5 B.) 3
What Indian Tribe did colonists dress as when participating in the Boston Tea Party? A.) Blackhawk B.) Mohawk What type of products did the Stamp Act generally regulate? A.) Paper Products B.) Leather Products Return to Index

9 CORRECT! Back To Quiz

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