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2000 pt 3000 pt 4000 pt 5000 pt 1000 pt 2000 pt 3000 pt 4000 pt 5000 pt 1000 pt 2000 pt 3000 pt 4000 pt 5000 pt 1000 pt 2000 pt 3000 pt 4000 pt 5000 pt.

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Presentation on theme: "2000 pt 3000 pt 4000 pt 5000 pt 1000 pt 2000 pt 3000 pt 4000 pt 5000 pt 1000 pt 2000 pt 3000 pt 4000 pt 5000 pt 1000 pt 2000 pt 3000 pt 4000 pt 5000 pt."— Presentation transcript:

1 2000 pt 3000 pt 4000 pt 5000 pt 1000 pt 2000 pt 3000 pt 4000 pt 5000 pt 1000 pt 2000 pt 3000 pt 4000 pt 5000 pt 1000 pt 2000 pt 3000 pt 4000 pt 5000 pt 1000 pt 2000 pt 3000 pt 4000 pt 5000 pt Math ScienceSocial StudiesELAJust For Fun 1000 pt

2 Add:sum::multiply:_________

3 product

4 Ruler:measure::quart________

5 gallon

6 Numerator:topnumber::Denominator:______

7 Bottom number

8 Cube is to hexahedron as average is to _______

9 mean

10 Ruler is to line as arc is to ______

11 circle

12 Nucleus:atom::elementes:_____

13 Periodic table

14 Mike way:galaxy::earth:_____

15 planet

16 Star:night::cloud:_____

17 day

18 Warm blooded is to dog as cold blooded is to_____

19 snake

20 Oxygen is to in hale as carbon dioxide is to ______

21 exhale

22 War:battle::surgen:___________

23 Doctor

24 Campus rose:map::captil:____

25 State

26 New is to old as currents is to ___________

27 Out of date

28 History : past :: future : _______

29 Past

30 City is to town as state is to ________

31 Country

32 Atobioghpy is to biography as fiction is to_______

33 Nonfiction

34 Theme is to plot as essay is to _______

35 novel

36 Stanza : poem ::paragraph ::________

37 essay

38 Protagonist :antagonist ::bad:

39 good

40 Write :word:: paper : _______

41 Pencil

42 Friend is to bully as nice is to ________

43 mean

44 Smile is to frown as cry is to____

45 laugh

46 Trash can is to trash bag as taco meat is to ________

47 Taco shell

48 Car : engine :: bike :_____

49 leg

50 Muscular : Strong ::Weak :________

51 Weakly

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