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Chapter 11 - A GUI Interacting With a Problem Domain Class1 Chapter 11 A GUI Interacting With a Problem Domain Class 11.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 11 - A GUI Interacting With a Problem Domain Class1 Chapter 11 A GUI Interacting With a Problem Domain Class 11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 11 - A GUI Interacting With a Problem Domain Class1 Chapter 11 A GUI Interacting With a Problem Domain Class 11

2 Chapter 11 - A GUI Interacting With a Problem Domain Class2 1. Adding a New Customer  Develop a new GUI class named AddCustomer to input customer attribute values and then create instances of the Customer class  See Figure 11-4

3 Chapter 11 - A GUI Interacting With a Problem Domain Class3 Adding a New Customer

4 Chapter 11 - A GUI Interacting With a Problem Domain Class4 Adding a New Customer  You need to start by importing the classes it uses:  The java.awt class has the Font and Color classes  The javax.swing class contains the GUI components  The ActionEvent and ActionListener interfaces are in the java.awt.event class  JTextField instances are used to input the customer’s name, address, and phone number  JButton instances are used after the customer data is entered, to clear the text fields, and to end processing 11

5 Chapter 11 - A GUI Interacting With a Problem Domain Class5 Creating the Logo Panel  The JLabel class is used to contain the marina’s logo  The foreground color is set to red using the constant  The font is set to Times Roman 36 point italic using the “TimesRoman” font name, and the Font.ITALIC constant 11

6 Chapter 11 - A GUI Interacting With a Problem Domain Class6 Creating the Center Panel  The customer name, address, and phone text boxes are added to the centerPanel  This panel is added to the Frame instance  The SwingConstants class is used to set the alignment  LEFT  RIGHT  CENTER

7 Chapter 11 - A GUI Interacting With a Problem Domain Class7 Creating the Lower Panel  Three button instances are added to the lower panel to support the Add, Clear, and Close operations  You need to call the addActionListener method for each button to process the events 11

8 Chapter 11 - A GUI Interacting With a Problem Domain Class8 Handling Events  An anonymous inner class is defined to handle events  The actionPerformed method determines which button was clicked, and then invokes the appropriate method to handle the event

9 Chapter 11 - A GUI Interacting With a Problem Domain Class9 Using a Dialog Box  If the user clicks the Add button, but hasn’t entered valid data, an error message should be displayed  The statement to display a simple dialog box with a message that requires the user to click the OK button to continue is: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,“message”); 11

10 Chapter 11 - A GUI Interacting With a Problem Domain Class10 Using a Dialog Box

11 Chapter 11 - A GUI Interacting With a Problem Domain Class11 2. Finding a Customer (Fig. 11-6)  The FindCustomer class will allow a user to find a customer and then display their address and phone number

12 Chapter 11 - A GUI Interacting With a Problem Domain Class12 Creating a Vector of Customers  Two vector variables are used to hold a list of customers and their names  The add method is used to add Customer objects to the vector 11

13 Chapter 11 - A GUI Interacting With a Problem Domain Class13 Using the JList Class  The JList class is used to display a list of customer names  When the user selects a name and then clicks on the Find button, that customer’s name and address are displayed  The JList constructor takes a Vector object which contains the data that is displayed

14 Chapter 11 - A GUI Interacting With a Problem Domain Class14 Adding Text Fields  JTextField objects are created to display the address and phone number  A JTextField object is used to allow the user to update these values

15 Chapter 11 - A GUI Interacting With a Problem Domain Class15 3. Adding a Boat  Develop a GUI that allows you to add a new boat to the marina system  You can add a PowerBoat or SailBoat  See Figure 11-13

16 Chapter 11 - A GUI Interacting With a Problem Domain Class16 Adding a Boat 11

17 Chapter 11 - A GUI Interacting With a Problem Domain Class17 Adding a Boat 11

18 Chapter 11 - A GUI Interacting With a Problem Domain Class18 Using Radio Buttons  The radio buttons are used to indicate the type of boat you are adding  The RadioButton constructor takes two arguments  The caption to be displayed  The buttons initial state – true if selected, false otherwise  You can trigger a radio button click event by calling doClick

19 Chapter 11 - A GUI Interacting With a Problem Domain Class19 Add A Sailboat 11

20 Chapter 11 - A GUI Interacting With a Problem Domain Class20 Add A PowerBoat

21 Chapter 11 - A GUI Interacting With a Problem Domain Class21 The clearForm Method  To blank out the text fields use the setText method – pass an empty string as the argument:  manufacturerText.setText(“”); 11

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