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Genotyping A Transgenic Mouse INK4A Knock-out & INK4A Wild-type By: Natalie Saldana & Dr. Taha Merghoub.

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Presentation on theme: "Genotyping A Transgenic Mouse INK4A Knock-out & INK4A Wild-type By: Natalie Saldana & Dr. Taha Merghoub."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genotyping A Transgenic Mouse INK4A Knock-out & INK4A Wild-type By: Natalie Saldana & Dr. Taha Merghoub

2 Introduction Mouse Model – used to mimic the human disease Melanoma - serious form of skin cancer Transgenic Mouse Human Disease

3 Melanoma  A rare type of skin cancer that originates in the melanocytes - found predominantly in skin but also in the bowel and the eye Causes:  Sun exposure - UVA and UVB rays are can induce skin cancer  Moles - normal moles — the small brown blemishes, growths, or "beauty marks" atypical moles -- also known as dysplastic nevi  Skin Type - fairer skin are at increased risk  Family History  Personal History - Once you have had melanoma, you run an increased chance of recurrence  Weakened Immune System - immune systems effected with chemotherapy, an organ transplant, excessive sun exposure, and diseases such as HIV/AIDS or lymphoma can increase your risk of melanoma

4 Hypothesis  The introduction of Human melanoma mutation in mice will induce this disease in mice

5 Why Mice?  They are genetically similar to human beings  Affordable and easy to maintain  Able to reproduce within 3 weeks  Short life span  Small

6 Transgenic Mouse

7 Genotyping  The process of testing individuals in order to reveal any specific gene that has been inherited from that individual  Includes other methods like PCR, DNA sequencing, and Southern blot  The goal is to understand the functions and roles of genes and to test new therapies in melanoma

8 Materials PCR Taq Polymerase Buffer MgCl2 Primers dNTPs DNA H2O Gel Electrophoresis Agarose TAE Buffer Ethidium Bromide Trays & Combs Gel Box Power Supply UV Light 1 Kb Ladder Loading Dye DNA Extraction Mouse Tails Qiagen DNeasy Protocol Thermal Cycler (PCR Machine)

9 PCR Procedure

10 Observations & Results  Ink4A WT  Ink4A KO We were successful in genotyping the mice which we will use for future experiments.

11 Conclusion and Future Directions  We have identified Heterozygous and KO Ink4a mice.  The Ink4a mice will be crossed with NRas transgenic mice in order to obtain a mouse with melanoma.

12 Reference    /T/TransgenicAnimals.html     enotyping.asp   

13 Acknowledgements  Dr. Taha Merghoub  Diana  Hong  Houghton Laboratory  Dr. Sat Bhattacharya  Harlem Children Society

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