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Mobile Development. Name: Saurabh Software Developer.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile Development. Name: Saurabh Software Developer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobile Development

2 Name: Saurabh Software Developer

3 Location



6 It’s yours, its personal, it’s never shared, even with.. It’s always on, until the battery runs out... It’s always with you, until you loose it... It is at the point of consumption, unless you forget it... Providing personalisation, location, attention...

7 Developer ?

8 Platforms ?

9 Who Owns/ maintains it ? Distribution Channel Development Tools Development Language



12 OS Architecture

13 Browser Telephony Maps Accelerometer Compass 3G/Edge/GPRS Multi Touch Camera Wifi & Bluetooth Audio Support SQLLite Opengl GPS

14 Data Store (Playlist) Broadcast Receiver (respond to events) Content Provider (Database/Dir ectory) Notification Manager Alarm Manager

15 Creating a Twitter app

16 One time Authentication (OAuth) Splash Screen Twitter Feed Settings Remove Account Post Twit I love Android… Post Activity List Activity




20 Foreground LifeCycle Visible LifeCycle Complete LifeCycle onCreate onDestroy onStart onStop onResume onPause



23 onPreExecute() doInBackground() onPostExecute() Activity onCreate() onStart() onResume() onPause() onStop() onDestroy() UI Thread AsyncTask

24 Profile Name is aligned to the top and right of the image Twit is aligned to the bottom and right of the image Relative Layout TechNext iPhone and Android event on 11 June, register for free and enjoy the ride…

25 Service Activity Service

26 Activity Service ISocialService.aidl startService(Inten t) bindService(Intent, ServiceConnection, …) socialService = ISocialService.Stub.asI nterface(service); socialService.getFeed() onStart()


28 Activity void onCreate(){ } //called every startService() void onStartCommand(intent ){ if(intent == xyz){ doxyz(); } void onDestroy(){ } void onCreate(){ } //called every startService() void onStartCommand(intent ){ if(intent == xyz){ doxyz(); } void onDestroy(){ } startService Action = xyz Data = 123 Action = xyz Data = 123 Intent Service

29 Activity void onCreate(){ } //called every startService() void onStartCommand(intent ){ if(intent == xyz){ doxyz(); } void onDestroy(){ } void onCreate(){ } //called every startService() void onStartCommand(intent ){ if(intent == xyz){ doxyz(); } void onDestroy(){ } bind > List getSocialFeed(); Instanceof ISocialService Interact with api calls


31 Am I low on disk space? Network is Wifi or Network is 3G? Has my application broadcasted some event? Am I on Roaming ? Is my battery dying?

32 Battery Indicator 50% BoadcastReceiver Activity registerReceiver(Bro adcastReceiver) onReceive(Intent)


34 AlarmManager setRepeating Repeating Task 5000 milliseconds Trigger after 5 seconds Pending Intent



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