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Teachers as Learners Anne Edwards and Nigel Fancourt.

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Presentation on theme: "Teachers as Learners Anne Edwards and Nigel Fancourt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teachers as Learners Anne Edwards and Nigel Fancourt

2 The Course Observing to research skills Discussing analyses to analytic skills Reading research to reviewing research

3 Task 2 List your personal learning goals What do you have to work on to achieve them? Where will you get help?

4 Thinking about Learning as Mediated Action You The problem to be worked on Resources/Tools

5 Some resources – a reminder

6 A quick introduction to some core ideas in the course 1. Conceptual development (learning) involves being able to regulate our behaviour so that we can take forward our intentions 2. People, through the use of their own social activities, by changing their own conditions of existence, can change themselves

7 Conceptual Development in a Community of Learners Preparation tasks – discussed with specialist tutors Consolidation tasks on web-learn Learning in discussions – but don’t forget writing Building towards assignments

8 Assignments Both Part I and Part II involve a lit review and a practitioner study Part I: 2 assignments of 5,000 words Part 2: one assignment of 10,000 words

9 Research and practice: deduction and induction Educational research Professional work and reflection Deduction Induction

10 Research and practice: abduction Educational research Professional work and reflection

11 Action research cycle

12 The Cycle over Time

13 Examining and Understanding Current Practices Examining Observations (see target child proforma) Students’ work Interviews School data and documentation Understanding Your reflective diaries Discussions in school and on the course Using the literature and concepts from the course

14 Models of Teachers’ Learning The training model of teachers’ learning The reflective model The community of learners model –on the course and in school

15 Enhancing the language of practice On the course – discussions to use the language of the programme and to clarify ideas In school – weaving ideas into practices – yours and those of colleagues

16 Some Advance Organisers Learning appears first as social and becomes personal (Vygotsky’s inter-personal and intra- personal planes) Learning needs to be seen as a conversation (dialogicity) Conversations with others brings in the voices and knowledge that they can offer (multi- voicedness)

17 Teacher Knowledge Lee Shulman (1987) Content knowledge General pedagogic knowledge Curriculum knowledge Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) Knowledge of learners Knowledge of contexts Knowledge of educational ends and purposes

18 Community of learners - challenges I am a bit hesitant of the prospect of my team leader participating, she has been behind many of the initiatives I have been questioning...but I do not think this will necessarily create tensions between us The tradition in the school is vigorously maintained by a handful of teachers...They have been in the school for ages...their approach to knowledge is narrow-minded and they expect the school to produce pupils in a disciplined manner. All the important decisions in our school for the moment are made by the Supreme Soviet, an Olympic Committee, the Mafia, call it whatever... (Eilertsen et al. 2008)

19 Community of learners - Task 3 Discuss: – What are the opportunities for and challenges of creating a small community of learners at school? – What are reasonable expectations for you?

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