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Factor the following special cases

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1 Factor the following special cases
warm up Factor the following special cases x2 – 36 4x2 – 49 x2 + 6x + 9 x2 + 16x + 64

2 Factoring Test tomorrow
30 questions total Factor using the GCF (greatest common factor) 6 questions Factor the trinomial with a lead coefficient of 1 (easy problem) ( short problem) 8 questions Factor the trinomial with a lead coefficient not 1 (harder problem) ( longer problem) 4 questions

3 Factoring Test tomorrow
Factoring polynomials with special cases (look for perfect squares) 6 questions Factor completely, you need to choose the appropriate method or combinations of methods

4 Ways to factor Factor GCF Factor trinomial lead coefficient 1 (easy)
Factor trinomial lead coefficient not 1 (hard) Factor perfect square trinomial Factor difference of squares

5 Always check for GCF first Two or three terms?
Two terms check to see if both perfect squares If yes then factor using difference of squares if no then prime Three terms check to see if first and last perfect squares If yes then factor perfect square trinomial If no then check lead coefficient If it equals 1 then easy method if not 1 then hard method

6 Factor using the greatest common factor
Decide what the greatest common factor is Divide each term by that greatest common factor Divide the coefficients Subtract the exponents

7 Factor using the greatest common factor
4x - 8 12x2 + 4x

8 Factor using the greatest common factor
6x + 3 -4x3 + 2x2

9 Factor using the greatest common factor
28a2b + 56abc2

10 Factor 20x2 - 24xy x(20 – 24y) 2x(10x – 12y) 4(5x2 – 6xy) 4x(5x – 6y)

11 Factoring Trinomials X2 + 8x + 12
Step one – write factors of last term Step two – find the factors that add to get you middle number Step three – write factors you found as binomials X2 + 8x + 12

12 Factoring Trinomials X2 + 8x + 15
Step one – write factors of last term Step two – find the factors that add to get you middle number Step three – write factors you found as binomials X2 + 8x + 15

13 Factoring Trinomials X2 - 4x + 3 Step one – write factors of last term
Step two – find the factors that add to get you middle number Step three – write factors you found as binomials X2 - 4x + 3

14 Factoring Trinomials X2 - 5x + 6 Step one – write factors of last term
Step two – find the factors that add to get you middle number Step three – write factors you found as binomials X2 - 5x + 6

15 Factoring Trinomials X2 + 2x - 8 Step one – write factors of last term
Step two – find the factors that add to get you middle number Step three – write factors you found as binomials X2 + 2x - 8

16 Factoring Trinomials X2 - x - 12 Step one – write factors of last term
Step two – find the factors that add to get you middle number Step three – write factors you found as binomials X2 - x - 12

17 Factor These Trinomials!
Factor each trinomial, if possible. The first four do NOT have leading coefficients, the last two DO have leading coefficients. Watch out for signs!! 1) t2 – 4t – 21 2) x2 + 12x + 32 3) x2 –10x + 24 4) x2 + 3x – 18

18 2x2 + 7x + 3 1) multiply first coefficient with the last coefficient
2) list the factors of that multiplication 3) Find the factors that add to the middle term 4) List out 4 terms 5) factor by grouping 2x2 + 7x + 3

19 3x2 - 8x + 4 1) multiply first coefficient with the last coefficient
2) list the factors of that multiplication 3) Find the factors that add to the middle term 4) List out 4 terms 5) factor by grouping 3x2 - 8x + 4

20 Factoring Polynomials where the lead coefficient isn’t one
Example 2x2 - 11x + 15

21 Factoring Polynomials where the lead coefficient isn’t one
Example 3x2 + 7x - 20

22 Factor using the perfect square trinomial method
x2 + 12x + 36

23 Factor using the perfect square trinomial method
x2 + 4x + 4

24 Factor using the perfect square trinomial method
x2 - 14x + 49

25 Factor using the perfect square trinomial method
9x2 - 6x + 4

26 Factoring Difference of Squares
X2 - 16 X2 - 36

27 Factoring Difference of Squares
4X2 - 25 25X2 - 36

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