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Exploring Rocks Unit 4: Lesson 1 In what ways can rocks be described?

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring Rocks Unit 4: Lesson 1 In what ways can rocks be described?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring Rocks Unit 4: Lesson 1 In what ways can rocks be described?

2 Rocks Rocks come in many sizes, color, shapes and texture.

3 Size Rocks come in many sizes from boulders to grains of sand and even smaller. Boulders are big! Sand grains are tiny Pebbles are small

4 Shape Rocks come in many shapes… round, triangular, square.

5 Color Rocks come in many colors... black, yellow, white, brown, gray, red, blue, pink.

6 Texture rough smooth

7 Describe, compare coal quartzfossil Rocks are useful.

8 size shape color mass luster odor conductivity hardness

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