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Bewilder v Confuse or puzzled I am bewildered when I do my math homework.

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Presentation on theme: "Bewilder v Confuse or puzzled I am bewildered when I do my math homework."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bewilder v Confuse or puzzled I am bewildered when I do my math homework

2 Delusional N Definition: one that is irrational or psychotic Sentence: when I fell and passed out I was delusional when I woke up

3 Firmly Firmly Definition : Not likely to change The train stays firmly on the tracks.

4 Mesmerized Definition: You can’t look away, or being fascinated Mrs. Jackson’s baby was mesmerized when he saw a Christmas tree for the first time adjective.

5 Rummage Definition: To search thoroughly by moving around or turning over contents. Sentence: The raccoon was rummaging through the trash can. Part of speech: verb


7 Smolder verb definition: to burn slowly and gently, usually with some smoke, but without a flame The wood was smoldering after the fire went out

8 Detonate Def: Explode or make something explode. POS:Verb The bomb that was in the Supermarket detonated and went BOOM!!!!! This resulted in a catastrophe.

9 Disperse to go different directions V When the bell rang me and my friend Dispersed from each other to go to class

10 Precision========adj. The state or quality of being exact. LeBron james precision that he will win the championship.

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