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Ancient Civilizations The Olmec & The Maya. The Olmec.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Civilizations The Olmec & The Maya. The Olmec."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Civilizations The Olmec & The Maya

2 The Olmec

3 What’s Different? OlmecMayan

4 Physical Environment Oldest city—San Lorenzo Present day Mexico Located near a river

5 Architecture Pyramid like Buildings First to build 2 story houses Made houses out of clay Cities were centered around a grand ceremonial mound

6 Language Mixe–Zoquean (spoken) May have been first to develop writing system Used symbols

7 Scientific Knowledge Writing system Long count calendar system Concept of Zero Ballgame

8 Leisure Activities “Mesoamerican Ballgame”

9 Religious Activities Religious activities were performed by Shamans Beliefs centered upon a jaguar God Bloodletting ceremonies

10 Governing Structure Hierchial Rulers

11 Economic Activities Trade Systems

12 The Mayan

13 Physical Environment Present day southern Mexico, Guatemala, northern Belize

14 Architecture Stepped pyramids Plazas Acropolis Ball sites Cave sites Observatories

15 Language Fully Developed written system

16 Scientific Knowledge Writing Hieroglyphs Counting system Mathematical

17 Leisure Activities Art Ballgames Music

18 Religious Beliefs Rituals Ceremonies Human sacrifice Maize God Based on celestial cycles

19 Governing Structure Polity—headed by a hereditary ruler

20 Economic Activity Trade system

21 The Mound builders Adena, Hopewell, Mississippian

22 Physical Environment From Great Lakes to Gulf of Mexico & the Mississippi to the Appalachian Mountains

23 Architecture Built Mounds for religious, ceremonial & burial purposes Flat-topped pyramids

24 Language Petroglyphs No writing system

25 Scientific Knowledge Cultivation of corns, beans & squash Made tools & weapons

26 Leisure Activities Pottery Wove baskets Carved canoes Sewing

27 Religious Beliefs Animal spirits Weather spirits Ancestor Spirits

28 Governing Structure Elite class-ruling class Common class-Food producers/labor force

29 Economic Activity Trade

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