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 Leadership ability is the lid that determines a persons level of effectiveness.  The lower the ability to lead the lower the lid of ones potential.

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2  Leadership ability is the lid that determines a persons level of effectiveness.  The lower the ability to lead the lower the lid of ones potential.  The higher the level of leadership the effectiveness of the person.

3  Phase 1: I don’t know what I don’t know  Phase 2: I know what I don’t know  Phase 3: I grow and I know it starts to show  Phase 4: I simply go because of what I know  This wont happen in a day it takes time “to lead tomorrow you need to learn today”

4  Becoming a great leader is a daily routine the preparation is key to succeeding.  You may start off as a poor leader but if your determined you will be a great leader.  You have the potential you just need to grow the skill. Champions don’t become champions in the ring-they are merely recognised there – Joe Frazier

5  No matter how gifted you are as a leader you will never reach your maximum potential without the application of self-discipline.  Challenge and eliminate your excuses  Remove rewards until the job is done  Stay focused on the results

6  Twenty percent of your priorities will give you eighty percent of your production if you focus on your very top priorities.  Things like time, counselling, products, reading, job, speech, donation, and leadership affect the production output for us.

7 Leader  Initiate  Leads makes calls  Spend time planning  Invest time with people  Fill your calendar with priorities Follower  React  Listen waits for someone to make calls  Lives day to day reacting to problems  Fills calendar by requests

8  Don’t overwhelm yourself so that you become paralyzed  Only keep the top important priorities  Don’t let these make you lose track of your end multiple goal

9  Three qualities that a leader must have to be successful is competence, connection and having goof character  Having good character is what makes trust possible so you must always project your character in a positive way  You must also show respect to further earn trust and build your character

10  Vision starts from within us  Vision draws on your history  Vision meets others needs  Vision help you gather resources

11  The management myth  The entrepreneur myth  The knowledge myth  The pioneer myth  The position myth

12  Level 1: people follow because they have to  Level 2: permission- people follow because they want to  Level 3: people follow because of what you have done for something  Level 4: people follow because what you have done for them  Level 5: people follow because of who you are and what you represent

13  Law of lid  Learn today to lead tomorrow  Self discipline is key to success  20/80 principle  Don’t over prioritize  Developing trust and character  Vision  The 5 levels of leadership

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