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Complete the definition of a Covenant -choosing the right words.

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1 Complete the definition of a Covenant -choosing the right words.
A Covenant is.. a solemn ___________ between two _________ that is binding on your ______ in some way life promise people Complete the definition of a Covenant -choosing the right words.

2 The Covenant with Noah Watch the video. What is the reason why God wants Noah to build the ark? *Which of the other prophets is Noah like? To know the story of Noah (AT1; L4-5) To explain God’s covenant with Noah (AT1; L5-6) To evaluate the truths in this story and what we can learn from them (AT2; L5-7) Stop 1min34

3 Draw a scene from the story.
Put the story of Noah in order. Then use the story to answer the questions: What reason did God give Noah for building the ark? G What did Noah take onto the ark with himself? C How long did it rain for? What did Noah do to see if it had stopped? B & F What did Noah do after he landed? D Who does God make his Covenant with? (3 answers) E What does God promise? What does God tell Noah to do in return? E What is the sign of the Covenant? What does it mean? A **How much of this story do you think is true? What’s the point of it? Draw a scene from the story. G H C B F D E A

4 How did this Covenant impact on Noah and his family’s life?
A Covenant is.. a solemn ___________ between two _________ that is binding on your ______ in some way How did this Covenant impact on Noah and his family’s life?

5 3. There was no flood, it is all made up and has nothing to teach us.
2. Explain your own opinion. I think this story is completely true/ partly true/ not true at all. I think this because…Give 2 reasons It is completely true, it happened exactly as the Bible says because we should believe everything the Bible says as literally and scientifically true. 2. It’s not scientifically true because Noah couldn’t have got all the animals in the world, or fitted them all into the ark, together with all the food they needed for 7 months at sea. Also, they would have probably eaten each other. 3. There was no flood, it is all made up and has nothing to teach us. 4. It is a story with important theological truths to teach us: - It shows that God really is very angry at human sin - it reassures us that God will not destroy the world because of our sins. 5. There probably was a very bad flood... Maybe Noah did hear from God and tried to save his family with some animals…and God really did make a Covenant with him.

6 The sign of the Covenant was..
God promised Noah… A A sacrifice A rainbow A covenant A big family and land of his own A rainbow Never to destroy the earth again B C The Covenant was between.. God and Noah’s family Noah’s family and the animals God, the animals, all Noah’s family

7 This story is not true at all.
It has nothing to teach us. This story is partly true. It has some important theological truths to teach us. This story is 100% true scientifically and theologically.

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