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Industrial Revolution

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1 Industrial Revolution
Industrialization and Urbanization

2 Urbanization/Industrialization
Urbanization - movement of people to cities Industrialization – use of machines to make goods

3 Why Did People Migrate to the Cities?
Changes in farming (enclosure movement) Soaring population growth Increasing demands for workers (JOBS!!)

4 City Life Air pollution Slums/Tenement Buildings (crowded)
Filthy/Smelly (no sewage or sanitation system/waste and garbage filled the streets) Lack of running water or indoor plumbing Diseases were common

5 Working Conditions Long hours Low pay
Dangerous/hazardous (accidents with machines) No benefits (healthcare, vacation, etc…) Women and children were paid less than men  kept costs of production low and profits high

6 Labor Unions Purpose – increase wages and improve working conditions
Collective Bargaining (labor and management) – working together, workers could get more from their employers (power in numbers)

7 Labor Unions Cont’d - Actions
Outlawed child labor Banned the employment of women in mines Improved safety conditions in mines and factories Limited work hours – example (8 hour day for British coal workers) Disability insurance for hurt or ill workers

8 Growth of Middle Class Growing middle class of factory owners, shippers, and merchants Upper class of landowners and aristocrats resentful of rich middle class (aristocrats had land but new middle class had lots of money!!)

9 Impact on Women and Children
Women and children were cheap labor Introduction of reforms to end child labor Growing demand from women for suffrage – voting rights Expansion of education

10 Impact on Slavery Cotton Gin increased the demand for slave labor on plantations – more slaves to grow more cotton The United States and Great Britain outlawed the slave trade then slavery

11 Improved Transportation
Needed to transport goods from place to place (fast and cheap) Turnpikes & canals (connect rivers) Railroads – steam locomotive Steamboats and steamships

12 Rising Standards of Living
Skilled workers earned more than unskilled workers Men earned more than women Lives of workers improved – advances in medicine (healthier lives), nicer homes, affordable clothing (low prices and high productivity), and healthier diets (a variety of foods)

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