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Improving Air Quality at the Port of New York and New Jersey Clean Vessel Incentive Program Update December 16, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Air Quality at the Port of New York and New Jersey Clean Vessel Incentive Program Update December 16, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Air Quality at the Port of New York and New Jersey Clean Vessel Incentive Program Update December 16, 2015

2 CVI Update  In November, Board approved a amended CVI program that builds on the success of the current program  The amended CVI is funded from Jan 1, 2016 through December 31, 2018  Amended CVI continues to utilize the Environmental Ship Index (ESI), Vessel Speed Reduction (VSR), and Engine Tier incentives  Takes into account the full implementation of the Emissions Control Area (ECA)

3 Current CVI  The ship component of the Port Authority’s Clean Air Strategy  Three year participation rates  16 Vessel companies 1,900 qualifying Vessel Calls, $3.7 million incentives paid  2013 CVI Emissions Reduction Estimates 49 tons PM45 tons DPM36 tons PM 2.5 56 tons NOx217 tons SOx6,422 tons CO 2 $1,093 per weighted ton reduced  2014 CVI Emissions Reduction Estimates 64 tons PM58 tons DPM47.8 tons PM 2.5 73 tons NOx317 tons SOx7,174 tons CO 2 $834 per weighted ton reduced

4 CVI Changes  Modified scoring system to increase participation & increase emission reductions  More opportunities to get incentives through expanded VSR options  Three incentive Tiers – takes into account ECA effects on sulfur content & ESI’s new scoring  Maintains incentive for Tier 2 & Tier 3 engines  New Terms & Conditions  Expanded audits

5 CVI Score 35 to 44 per Call $1,000 CVI Score 20 to 34 per Call Port Authority Clean Vessel Incentive Program $1,500 ESI & VSR Based Incentive Opportunities CVI Score ≥45 per Call $2,500 CVI Score = ESI Score + VSR Points

6 Additional Engine Tier Incentive Opportunities Vessels with IMO Tier 3 ALL Engines per Call Vessels with IMO Tier 2 ALL Engines per Call Port Authority Clean Vessel Incentive Program $1,000 $2,000

7 +10 points Additional CVI Points Opportunities - VSR Vessels compliant with Vessel Speed Reduction - Weighted average 10 knots or less inbound or outbound transits in participation zone - From 20 nm from center COLREGS line to Verrazano Bridge - Vessels will be tracked & verified by AIS data on a per call-basis - Points will be automatically added to ESI score for participating vessels Vessels compliant with Vessel Speed Reduction - Weighted average 10 knots or less inbound or outbound transits in participation zone - From 20 nm from center COLREGS line to Verrazano Bridge - Vessels will be tracked & verified by AIS data on a per call-basis - Points will be automatically added to ESI score for participating vessels Cruise ships can sign up for an Alternative Compliance Plan Port Authority Clean Vessel Incentive Program

8 +20 points Additional CVI Points Opportunities - VSR Vessels compliant with Vessel Speed Reduction - Weighted average 10 knots or less inbound AND outbound transits in participation zone - From 20 nm from center COLREGS line to Verrazano Bridge - Vessels will be tracked & verified by AIS data on a per call-basis - Points will be automatically added to ESI score for participating vessels Vessels compliant with Vessel Speed Reduction - Weighted average 10 knots or less inbound AND outbound transits in participation zone - From 20 nm from center COLREGS line to Verrazano Bridge - Vessels will be tracked & verified by AIS data on a per call-basis - Points will be automatically added to ESI score for participating vessels Cruise ships can sign up for an Alternative Compliance Plan Port Authority Clean Vessel Incentive Program

9 VSR Zone Port Authority Clean Vessel Incentive Program

10 CVI Audits  Port Authority will be conducting more audits  Company representatives will facilitate access their ships  Audit reports sent to ESI Administrator  Audit findings made available to all incentive providers  Audit findings that increase scores  Audit findings that reduce scores

11 Existing CVI Participant Requirements  For existing shipping lines & vessels in the current CVI program: Must sign the new Terms & Conditions Vessels in current CVI automatically enrolled into amended CVI New vessels need to be enrolled

12 New Company Enrollment Requirements  Register & enroll ships in ESI program to obtain scores  Complete Port Authority Operator Enrollment Package  Company Enrollment Form  Vessel Enrollment Form  Tax ID Forms  Sign Terms & Conditions All forms can be found at the Port Authority website:

13 Reimbursement Process  Port Authority collects & verifies quarterly information (Qualified calls, ESI scores, VSR compliance, etc.)  Port Authority generates participation report & draft invoice & send to vessel operators  Vessel operators review report & mail back final invoice with remittance information on company letterhead via email/post/ground/air  Port Authority issues incentive payments quarterly

14 Examples ESI score 16 Tier 0 Comply with VSR both ways, 20 pts, CVI score = 36 Port Authority ESI + VSR Incentive = $1,500 ESI score 26 Tier 1 Comply with VSR both ways, 20 pts, CVI score = 46 Port Authority ESI + VSR Incentive = $2,500 ESI Score 33 Tier 2 Comply with VSR one way, 10 pts, CVI score = 43 Port Authority ESI + VSR Incentive = $1,500 Port Authority Tier Incentive = $1,000

15 Thank you Any Questions?

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