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Unit 2 I remember sitting close to the radio.. Revision 1. 记得为我买些水果. 2. 我记得在什么地方见过他 3. 当心电. 4. 他讨厌学英语. 5. 我不知道该选哪一个. Remember to buy some fruit for me.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2 I remember sitting close to the radio.. Revision 1. 记得为我买些水果. 2. 我记得在什么地方见过他 3. 当心电. 4. 他讨厌学英语. 5. 我不知道该选哪一个. Remember to buy some fruit for me."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2 I remember sitting close to the radio.

2 Revision 1. 记得为我买些水果. 2. 我记得在什么地方见过他 3. 当心电. 4. 他讨厌学英语. 5. 我不知道该选哪一个. Remember to buy some fruit for me. I remember seeing him somewhere. Look out for the electricity. He hates learning English. I don ’ t know which one to choose

3 1.Look at the picture and say what it shows

4 2. Listen and try to answer the questions 1.Who wrote it? 2. What ’ s the story about? 3. Why did he write it? Read passage after the speaker

5 3.Decide where you ’ re likely to read the passage: A In a book about the history of radio. B. In the life story of a famous radio presenter. C. In a book on how radio works.

6 Find the following phrases in unit 2. 向下看着某人 坐得近 亲身,亲自 说要找 … 结束播放, 停止播放 在 … 岁时 look down at sb sit close to in person ask for … close down at the age of

7 1). 向下看着某人 look down at sb 相反词组: look up at sb look 的短语词组: look down upon/on sb “ 看不起 / 瞧不起某人 ” look up to sb “ 尊敬, 仰慕某人 ” look up “( 情况 ) 好转, 改善 ” look sth up “ 查字典 ”

8 2). 坐得近 sit close to 类似的 be close to “ 靠近 ” 例句: ---Our school is close to the supermarket. 3). 亲身,亲自 in person 例句 : ---If you do something in person, you go somewhere and do it yourself.

9 1.When I was about four or five years old, I remember …, listening to …, and to … presenters. “listening to …. presenters ” 是现在分 词短语用作伴随状语。 而 “to the voice… ” 是 listen 的宾语。 presenters 在这里是广播节目主持人。 Difficult sentences :

10 例句 : ---The teacher came into the classroom, holding a book in his hand. 2). It seemed that they were speaking to me in person. seem 可跟 that 引导的宾语从句。 例句: ---It seems that it is going to rain soon.

11 seem like sth 好像, 似乎, 看来 例句: ---It seems like a good idea at that time. 3). As I grew older, …. As 在此句中引导一个时间状语从句, 等于 when.

12 4). Once a week, I played…, talked about …, and then closed down …. 此句有两 个以上的并列谓语,我们把它称为并列 谓语句。 注意并列谓语句表示的谓语 一个紧接着一个发生,并且在用的时候 注意时态要一致。 例句: ---He stands up, puts on his clothes and leaves the room.

13 5). Just tell me what you had for lunch. “what you had ” 是宾语从句,用作动 词 tell 的宾语。 6). This was how my first real job in radio began. “how my first real job in radio began ” 是表语从句。

14 Learning to learn It’s something difficult to understand the orders. In the passage, it starts off in the past, during the writer’s early career. Then it goes to an earlier past, when he was a child. Make sure you understand the order of events in a story.

15 4. Answer the questions about the words in the box: article, explain, in person, prepare, 1. How did the writer prepare programmes about the weather? 2. Why does the writer ask: “ How could I explain? ” 3. Did he write all the articles in person or did someone help him?

16 5. Look at these sentences from the passage Find sentences which show: *more about the important events in the past *background information

17 6.Think of something you love doing, and imagine you have had a job doing it. Write a passage describing an important event in the past, and some background information. I first appeared on TV at the age of sixteen. A television presenter stopped me in the street, and started to interview me…


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