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Software Engineering Lecture 11: System Analysis.

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1 Software Engineering Lecture 11: System Analysis

2 Today’s Topics l Requirements Analysis & Elicitation l Modeling the Problem Domain l Prototyping l Structured Analysis Models

3 Analysis: A Bridge Between System Engineering & Software Design [From SEPA/5e]

4 Interview Questions l “Who is requesting the work?” l “Who will use the solution?” l “Desired economic benefits?” l “Another source for solutions?” l “What’s ‘good’ output?” l “What problems are addressed?” l “Environment of use?” l “Special issues or constraints?” l Meta-questions re: process

5 Facilitated Application-Specific Techniques (FAST) l Conduct meetings at neutral site l Rules for meetings established l Formal agenda, informal discussion l “Facilitator” controls meeting l “Definition mechanism” agreed upon by participants

6 FAST [3] l Goals: identify problem propose elements of a solution negotiate different approaches specify preliminary set of requirements atmosphere: goal-directed

7 Quality Function Deployment (QFD) l Normal Requirements (explicitly discussed) l Expected Requirements (easy install, good doc) l Exciting Requirements (unexpected, welcome) l Prioritize, document, and discuss with customer

8 Modeling the Information Domain l Data ( numbers, text, etc.) l Control ( events) l Information Content (objects, attributes) l Information Flow (changes to data/control during execution) l Information Structure (internal data and control, relations, etc.)

9 [From SEPA/5e] Information Flow and Transformation

10 Modeling l Focus on “what”, not “how” l Functional models (HIPO to algorithm identification) l Behavioral models (program state & changes thereto) l Models provide: tool for understanding focal point for review foundation for design

11 Partitioning l Decompose information, functional, and behavioral domains into subproblems l Vertical: expose more detail l Horizontal: decompose into subcomponents

12 [From SEPA/5e] Horizontal Partitioning functional decomposition

13 [From SEPA/5e] Vertical Partitioning exposes detail

14 Essential vs. Implementation View l Essential view presents the functions to be accomplished, without implementation details l Implementation view presents “real-world” manifestation of essential elements “current mode of operation” (not a proposed design!)

15 Prototyping l Construct/analyze a prototype: to validate requirements to show feasibility of solution l Throwaway: discarded before full development l Evolutionary: prototype is first version of finished system

16 [From SEPA/5e] The Prototyping Decision Process

17 Structured Analysis Model [From SEPA/5e]

18 Structured Analysis l Data Dictionary descriptions of all data objects l Entity-Relationship Diagram depicts relations between objects l Data Flow Diagram how data are transformed functions that transform them

19 Structured Analysis [2] l State-Transition Diagram states: modes of behavior transitions: trigger state change l Data Object Description note attributes of each object l Process Specification describe each process in DFD l Control Specification describe each state/transition in STD

20 [From SEPA/5e] Data Objects, Attributes, Relationships

21 Tabular Representation of Data Objects [From SEPA/5e]

22 Relationships

23 [From SEPA/5e] Cardinality and Modality

24 [From SEPA/5e] Simple ERD, Data Object Table

25 [From SEPA/5e] Expanded ERD

26 [From SEPA/5e] Data Object Type Hierarchy

27 [From SEPA/5e] Associative Data Objects

28 Information Flow Model [From SEPA/5e] data flow diagram

29 [From SEPA/5e] Behavioral Model control flow diagram

30 [From SEPA/5e] State- Transition Diagram

31 Specifications l Control Specification state-transition diagram program activation table: “a combinatorial specification of behavior” l Process Specification narrative text pseudocode or program design language (PDL)

32 [From SEPA/5e] Program Activation Table which processes are invoked when an event occurs?

33 Specifications [2] l Data Dictionary (for each object): Name & Aliases Where Used / How Used Content Description Supplementary Information data types, default values, restrictions, limitations, etc.

34 Questions?

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