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Romanian training system - Methods and tools in visual learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Romanian training system - Methods and tools in visual learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Romanian training system - Methods and tools in visual learning

2 “The illiterate of tomorrow will not be that who cannot read, but that who has not learned to learn.” Alvin Toefler

3 Visual Learning – Learning style used in:  Formal Education  Informal Education  Non-formal Education

4 Romanian training system a. Classical training Visual Aids used for all subjects:  Foreign languages;  Computer literacy;  Teaching abstract notions to children;  Plastic arts

5 b. Distance training  E-learning  On-line courses  training by correspondence  Training by TV c. Educational software

6 National Adult Training Board -is a social dialogue forum aiming at promoting quality life long vocational training and contributing to the foundation of policies and strategies in the field of adult training. The National Adult Training Board has the following main responsibilities: a. Assessment of the medium and long term adult training needs attained through specific research and analysis; b. Supervising proposals for law regulations that are regarding adult training; c. Collaborating with governmental institutions, autonomous administrative authorities, non governmental organizations, national and international organizations that are developing activities in the field of adult training; d. Coordinating at national level the activity of authorizing the providers of adult training;

7 Legislation: a. Law no. 132/ 1999 regarding the setting up, the structure and the functioning of the National Adult Training Board, modified and completed by the Law no. 253/2003 b. GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE no. 129/2000 on Adult Vocational Training c. Decision no. 522 of May 8, 2003 - for the approval of the Methodological Norms for the application of the provisions of the G.O no. 129/2000 on adult vocational training d. Certification methodology for adult training e. Authorization methodology for training providers f. Evaluation and certification methodology in non formal education

8 Adult education training is organized for: 1.Initiation 2.Qualification 3.Improvement 4.Specialization 5.Re-qualification

9 Methods and tools in visual learning Pre-University education – General methods used in pre – university education is: plastic education, ( ), educational software Superior education – active learning tools (the using of pictograms in presentation), educational software Continuous education a. classical training - active learning tools b. distance training – e-learning platform c. training by correspondence – training materials

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