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Presentation on theme: "Stress."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stress

2 What is Stress? Stress is a physical, mental or emotional tension you feel when dealing with change OR Your body’s response to change

3 Eustress A good stress, helps motivate us to do something but not feel to overwhelmed. Distress Bad stress that causes pain, anxiety, and sorrow

4 What is a stressor? Anything that causes us stress
Teen Top 4 Stressors School Friends Family Appearance

5 Eustress (positive stress)
Eustress causes these symptoms: Good feelings Feeling of excitement Motivation Peak Performance Higher Achievement

6 Distress (too much stress)
Distress causes these symptoms: Feeling worried and Uptight Discomfort and Illness Lower Performance Level Feeling tired

7 No Stress Too little stress causes these symptoms:
Bored and Low motivation No Growth Lower Performance Level

8 Physical Symptoms Heart beats faster Breathe faster
Butterflies (stomach ache) Cold hands or feet Excessive sweating Headaches/tense muscles Loss of appetite/over eating Inability to sleep/excessive sleeping Constipation/diarrhea Constant fatigue

9 Emotional symptoms Crying Moodiness Irritability / impatience
short temper Can’t concentrate Racing thoughts Anxiety / panic attacks Withdrawing Depression Restlessness

10 Behavioral Symptoms Not caring about appearance Procrastination
Grinding teeth Pacing, tapping, nail biting Nervous laughter Smoking/alcohol use Aggressive behavior Pulling hair Eating more or less Sleeping too much or too little

11 Alarm Stage The body recognizes a stressor
You experience the “fight or flight” response.

12 Fight or Flight Adrenaline is released into the body preparing one to be ready for physical activity Look at the following diagram to see some of the changes that take place with the release of adrenaline

13 Fight or Flight Story of St. George – Ghost Town

14 Resistance Stage These physical changes prepare a person to react quickly and effectively to handle the pressure of the moment. OR The person runs or flees

15 Exhaustion Stage The body can no longer cope with the stress and you become physically or mentally exhausted

16 Why is stress harmful for us?
We can’t run from the stress We can’t fight the stress Leads to physical problems increase blood pressure lower immune system insomnia digestive problems acne

17 Positive, Negative or No Stress
Going to math class

18 Positive, Negative or No Stress
Taking a roller coaster ride

19 Positive, Negative or No Stress
Watching a scary movie BOO

20 Positive, Negative or No Stress
Holding a snake

21 Positive, Negative or No Stress
Getting your report card

22 Positive, Negative or No Stress
Going to a dance

23 Positive, Negative or No Stress
Giving a speech to the class

24 Body Stress Tips Deep Breathing Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Physical Activities Stretching Yoga A Massage Soaking in a hot tub

25 Mind Stress Tips Meditation Reading Visualization
Listening to calming music Movies Games Puzzles Hobbies and crafts

Art Therapy! Why? Art therapy combines traditional theories and techniques with an understanding of the creative process. According to the American Art Therapy Association, art therapy is based on the belief that the creative process of art is both healing and life enhancing. SOOO… CREATE SOMETHING!

27 Write! Let your feelings out!
Why? It can help to write about things that are bothering you. Write to a parent, friend, teacher, or YOURSELF about your feelings. This helps you feel better and is a healthy way to relieve stress. SOOOO…. WRITE SOMETHING!

28 Play Games! Why? Getting your mind off your stressors can be helpful.
Playing games can help you relax and rest before facing your stress. SOOOO….. PLAY!

29 SOOO… Get ready to LAUGH!
Humor Therapy! Why? Because laughter is the best medicine! Benefits of laughter: Laughter dissolves tension, anxiety, irritation, anger, grief, and depression. Laughter increases the immune system. Laughter can help you think more clearly. Did you know… kids laugh about 400 times per day! Adults laugh only about 14 times a day. SOOO… Get ready to LAUGH!

30 Sleep Therapy Sometimes you just haven’t had enough sleep and your body is worn out. Make sure you are getting all of the sleep you need when you are feel to stressed out!

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