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HOMEWORK CHECK With your closest table mates: Write the answer to your assigned question up on the board. Remember to show work!

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Presentation on theme: "HOMEWORK CHECK With your closest table mates: Write the answer to your assigned question up on the board. Remember to show work!"— Presentation transcript:

1 HOMEWORK CHECK With your closest table mates: Write the answer to your assigned question up on the board. Remember to show work!

2 Resources & Reserves

3 Resources ≠ Reserves Resources – amounts of material that are known/ assumed to exist that can be extracted NOW or in the FUTURE for a POSSIBLE profit $ Reserves – known amounts of material that can PRESENTLY be extracted for a PROFIT – “proven”

4 Changing estimates Why do reserves of resources usually last much longer than most early estimates predict? How does technology influence the estimates of reserves and resources?

5 Resource Depletion static, exponential, real world

6 Energy – Where does it come from? ES 302

7 Objectives What is energy? What forms does it come in & how do we use it? Understand that ALL sources of energy have costs and benefits

8 What is Energy? Energy  “The ability to do work”. Remember: The amount of energy in the universe is constant. What are the 2 major laws??? - 1 st and 2 nd Law of thermodynamics What are the 6 major forms? - light, chemical, nuclear, mechanical, electrical, heat

9 Energy Resources Renewable Energy – Hydroelectric – Wind – Solar – Biofuels – Hydrogen fuel cell – Geothermal Nonrenewable Energy – Oil – Coal – Natural gas

10 What is your guess? Fossil fuel powerWind / solar power Nuclear powerHydroelectric power 1.Out of the energy sources above, which is used the most worldwide? Least? 2.Guess what percentage each source contributes to the world’s energy supply. 3.Create a graph.


12 Can you make 2 observations regarding energy and electricity generation?

13 Can you make it work? What is causing the ball to light up? Where is the power coming from?

14 Can you light the lightbulb? Make a circuit = energy CIRCLE

15 What is electricity? The movement of electrons. Created by moving wires (electrons) through a magnetic field.

16 Energy is needed to make electricity Where does the supply of electrons come from? Can you list the steps to create electricity?


18 Electricity Production Coal/oil/natural gas fired power plants 1.Burn fossil fuel to make heat. 2.Heat boils water to make steam. 3.High pressured steam turns a turbine. 4.Moving turbine spins a magnet within wires (generator). 5.The magnet creates a flow of electrons = Electricity! 6.Moving electrons sent through wires to houses, schools, etc. Can you order the pictures correctly?


20 What is a watt? 1 watt = energy to lift 100 g (or 1 Newton) in 1.0 seconds. It is a measure of energy over time

21 Other Units of Energy 1 calorie 1 Btu (British thermal unit) 1 Q (quad) = 1 quadrillion Btu (very large!) – The U.S. uses ~ 1 quad of energy about every 3.7 days 1 kWh = one kilowatt of electricity over 1 hour

22 Extra Resources 2 nd set of notes on Energy: Usage & Quality

23 It takes energy to get energy Before it’s useful… Oil must be  1.Found 2.Pumped 3.Transported 4.Refined 5.Transported 6.burned

24 Net energy Total useful energy available from the resource over its lifetime minus the amount of energy used and wasted Example: – 10 units of energy in oil in ground – Use 8 units to find, extract, process, transport – 2 units of net energy available


26 Energy Quality The measure of the energy’s ability to be used to produce mechanical or electrical energy Low temperature heat has the LOWEST quality – You can’t cook with it, you can’t move anything with it, you can’t even heat with it – Power plants are designed to release it into space

27 Do you have any vampires in your house?


29 How can changing a light bulb reduce greenhouse gases?

30 Energy Efficiency Amount of energy that gets converted to useful energy.

31 CFL – compact fluorescent lightbulb Incandescent CFL life span: 1,500 hours 10,000 hours Watts:6014 Over the course of 30 years, having CFL lightbulbs in your house can save you around $20,000!


33 Two sides to everything. http://



36 Byproducts of electrical generation Burning coal  Air: Mercury, CO2, SO2, NO2, fly ash  Water: thermal pollution, acid rain  Ground: bottom ash

37 Example of the Laws of Conservation of Matter and Thermodynamics Global Warming Acid Rain Smog Burning Coal = CO 2 + SO + H 2 0 + Ash + (C x H x S x O x ) Light + Noise + Heat

38 Matter cycles, energy flows


40 Cartoon: Mini-FBL lesson

41 What processes involve the transfer of carbon?

42 Carbon Cycle Drawing Make your own, UNIQUE, drawing of the carbon cycle (both land and ocean). Include the following: – Photosynthesis, decomposition, respiration, combustion, diffusion, (LABEL ALL) – Include yourself somewhere in the cycle – Point out where humans interfere/alter the carbon cycle

43 What is our best immediate energy option? 1. Cut out unnecessary energy waste by improving energy efficiency 2. Transition to a renewable or solar age – Sun, wind, flowing water, biomass, geothermal, hydrogen gas 3. Burn more coal & synthetic gas/liquids 4. Natural gas 5. Nuclear power

44 No matter what our decision… Ask: How much will be available in the next 15 years? the next 30 years? longterm? What is the source’s net energy yield? How much will it cost to develop, phase in, and use this energy resource? How will extracting, transporting, and using the energy resource affect the environment? Can this energy source help us sustain the earth?

45 sHwg&feature=related sHwg&feature=related – Very slow explanation of current & voltage. Nice analogy to water (river, lake) ou0 ou0 – Cardboard generator constrxn (7:44)

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