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Liechtenstein Project By Katie Orban, Pd. 3 Rotation.

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1 Liechtenstein Project By Katie Orban, Pd. 3 Rotation

2 General Information Liechtenstein’s capital is Vaduz, and its biggest city is Schaan. Liechtenstein is one of the world’s smallest countries; Its total area is 62 square miles. Liechtenstein’s population (Recorded in 2011) is about 36,304 people. Liechtenstein’s currency is the Swiss Franc. The national anthem is “Oben am jungen Rhein”,(In English it translates to Up Above The Young Rhine) sung to the tune of God Save The Queen.

3 Fun Facts! o Liechtenstein’s official name is “The Principality Of Liechtenstein”. o Liechtenstein is the only German-Speaking country not bordering Germany. o Liechtenstein and Uzbekistan are the only countries that are doubly land-locked*. *Doubly land-locked: Countries that are surrounded by other land-locked countries. Above: Liechtenstein & Uzbekistan. Both countries are doubly land-locked.

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