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 Organization of people who share similar ideas about the way the country should be governed.

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2  Organization of people who share similar ideas about the way the country should be governed

3  Three Political Party Systems in the World One Party System: Political party and the government are the SAME  Only 1 party, so no competing ideas  Party membership based on ancestry, wealth, military power, religious power  Example: China (Communist Party)

4 Two-Party System: Two major parties compete with each other to run the government. ◦ Party system of U.S. Democrats and Republicans ◦ Advantages: Stability ◦ Disadvantages: Minority parties (third parties) receive little attention – the focus is on the two major parties

5 Multi-Party System: Three or more parties compete for control of the government ◦ Common in Europe, Israel, Japan ◦ Advantage : provides voters with many different choices and ideas ◦ Disadvantage: difficult for one party to get majority of votes, which leads to a Coalition: Daisy (+) Sunflower Alliance Italian Communist 500,000 votes + 450,000 votes 200,000 votes

6  Anti-federalist = Democratic Party  Supported states rights  Supported economy based on agriculture  Power in hands of all people  Led by Thomas Jefferson

7  Democratic Party ◦ Tends to Attract  Working people (blue collar)  Liberals  Catholics  Minorities  Union Members  People in favor of govt. involvement in social policies

8  Federalists = Republican  Supported strong national govt.  Supported economy based on industry  Power in hands of wealthy and educated  Led by Alexander Hamilton

9  Republican Party ◦ Tends to attract  Businesspeople (white collar)  Protestants  Conservatives  Non-minorities  Non-union supporters  People against govt.involvement in social policies

10  George Washington against political parties  “parties serve their own interests”  “parties not beneficial to American people”

11  During the 1860s, Thomas Nast — a cartoonist for the magazine Harper's Weekly  He developed the idea of using the donkey and the elephant to represent the Democrats and Republicans

12  What are Third Parties? ◦ Parties representing minority opinions that challenge the Democrats and Republicans ◦ Some successful Third Parties:  Populist/People’s Party – (farmers, labors) 1890’s  Progressive Party – split off from Rep. Party in 1912  Libertarian Party – third most popular party in U.S. today

13 1. Parties Tied to a Single Issue:  Green Party: formed to protect the environment 2. Parties Tied to a Political Belief  Examples:  Libertarian Party – all individuals have sovereignty over their own lives and should not have to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others  Socialist Party – a transitional step toward communism to replace capitalism

14  America First Party  American Heritage Party  American Independent Party  American Nazi Party  Communist Party USA  Right to Life Party  Family Values Party  Grassroots Party  Green Party  Independence Party  Labor Party  Libertarian Party  Light Party  Natural Law Party  The Third Party  Worker’s World Party  Peace and Freedom Party  Prohibition Party  Reform party  The Revolution  Tea Party  Socialist Party, USA  Southern Independence Party  U.S. Pacifist Party  Veterans Party of America  We the People Party  Knights Party  Libertarian National Socialist Green Party  Pansexual Peace Party  Constitutional Action Party  American Falangist Party  U.S. Marijuana Party


16  A political spectrum is a system of classifying different political positions of current issues on an axes.

17  Partisanship -strong support of their party and policies.  Bipartisanship – parties working together on policies.  Extreme Right Views (Radicals) versus Extreme Left Views (Reactionaries)

18 Party starts an election campaign ◦ An effort to gather support for its candidates and inform voters of the party’s stand on issues ◦ Requires many party workers and volunteers to perform dozens of job that include :  Raising funds  Polling voters/making phone calls  Drive voters to the polls  Register voters Jeb Bush Campaigning


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