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FINAL DIGESTION & ABSORPTION Chapter 2 Section 4 Pages 68 - 71.

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1 FINAL DIGESTION & ABSORPTION Chapter 2 Section 4 Pages 68 - 71

2 Small Intestine: The part of the digestive system where most chemical digestion takes place. *6 meters long *2/3 of your digestive system Almost all chemical digestion and absorption of nutrients take place in the small intestine. Liver: the largest, heaviest organ *It breaks down medicines *Helps eliminate nitrogen from the body *Produces bile (Which breaks down fat)

3 Bile: A substance that breaks down fat particles. It’s made in the liver, stored in the gall bladder and then used in the small intestine. Gall Bladder: The organ that stores bile. Pancreas: Triangular organ under the stomach. *It produces enzymes for the digestive system *These enzymes break down starches, proteins, & fats. Villi: Millions of finger shaped structures lining your small intestine.

4 Large Intestine: The last section of the digestive system. *1 1/2 meters long *Shaped like a horseshoe *Contains helpful bacteria *Absorbs water into your blood As material moves through the large intestine, water is absorbed into the bloodstream. The remaining material is readied for elimination from the body. Rectum: Short, muscular tube that compresses waste into a solid form.

5 Anus: Muscular opening at the end of the rectum.

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