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Dale & Lewis Chapter 5 Computing components

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1 Dale & Lewis Chapter 5 Computing components

2 von Neumann architecture
Memory holds both data and instructions (interchangeable) Central Processing Unit (CPU) Arithmetic/Logic Unit (ALU) Control Unit Input, output units

3 Fetch-Decode-Execute cycle
Fetch next instruction (program counter (PC) determines from where) Decode instruction (extract op code, operand address) Get data, if needed (operand address determines from where) Execute instruction Advance PC Faster cycles  faster computing Computers can reach 3.5 billion instructions per second

4 Let’s design a computer
Generic CPU with registers Program counter (PC) – 5 bits (size of addresses) Instruction register (IR) – 8 bits (op code + address) Memory Address Register (MAR) – 5 bits  Main Memory Memory Data Register (MDR) – 8 bits (byte addressable) Accumulator (A or Acc) – 8 bits

Instructions Instruction format: 3-bit op code, 5-bit address Instructions and their op codes op code Instruction 000 HALT (HLT) 001 LOAD (LDA) 010 STORE (STA) 011 ADD (ADD) 100 SUBTRACT (SUB) 101 BRANCH (BR) 110 BRANCH ON ZERO (BRZ) 111 BRANCH ON POSITIVE (BRP)

6 Types of instructions Data movement Arithmetic and logic operations
Move data between memory and CPU Move data between different memory locations Input, output Arithmetic and logic operations Integer arithmetic Comparing two quantities Shifting or rotating bits in a quantity Testing, comparing and converting bits Program control Starting a program Halting a program Skipping to another location Testing data to decide whether to skip to another instruction

7 Instructions LOAD instruction (LDA) ADD instruction (ADD)
PC  MAR MDR  IR IR [address]  MAR MDR  A PC + 1  PC ADD instruction (ADD) A + MDR  A STORE instruction (STA) PC  MAR MDR  IR A  MDR IR [address]  MAR PC + 1  PC HALT instruction (HLT) stop FETCH – DECODE – GET DATA – EXECUTE

8 FETCH Address of next instruction is transferred from PC to MAR and the instruction is located in the memory

9 FETCH Instruction is copied from memory to the MDR

10 DECODE Decode the instruction

11 EXECUTE Execute the instruction – control unit sends signals to appropriate devices to carry out execution of the instruction

12 A small computer program
Assembly language op code LOAD A 00100 ADD B 00101 STORE C 00110 HLT 00111 DATA +5 01000 -3 01001 01010 Program Data Address Contents Main memory

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