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Germanic Kingdoms Unite Under Charlemagne

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1 Germanic Kingdoms Unite Under Charlemagne

2 Germanic Kingdoms Arise
German warriors were not loyal to emperors & administrators whom they had never met Instead, loyalty rested with personal ties Made establishing an orderly gov’t impossible

3 Clovis I and the Franks Clovis was leader of Germanic people of Gaul, known as the Franks - Converted to Christianity - United Franks into one kingdom


5 Germans Adopt Christianity
The Church & Monasteries - Monks gave up possessions to live in these religious communities - Women = nuns

6 Italian monk Benedict wrote book describing rules for monasteries
Scholastica wrote book for nuns Monasteries became Europe’s best-educated communities 1) Opened schools 2) Maintained libraries 3) Copied books

7 Pope Gregory I Broadened authority of the papacy
Made papacy secular (worldly) power involved in politics Church $ used to raise armies, repair roads, help poor Idea of churchly kingdom ruled by pope was central theme of Middle Ages

8 An Empire Evolves Franks controlled the largest & most powerful of Europe’s kingdoms Official known as major domo, or mayor of the palace, became most powerful person - Charles Martel (the Hammer) was major domo - Defeated Muslims in Battle of Tours

9 The Carolingians At his death, Charles Martel gives power to his son, Pepin the Short Pepin cooperated w/pope because he wanted to be king - Agreed to fight the Lombards who threatened Rome Pope anointed Pepin “king by the grace of God” Thus, the Carolingian Dynasty began

10 Pepin. Short.

11 Charlemagne Becomes Emperor
Pepin’s son Charles the Great ruled the kingdom after his death Built great empire - Fought Muslims and Germanic kingdoms - Conquered new territories & spread Christianity

12 Charlemagne Becomes Emperor
Crowned emperor by the pope

13 Charlemagne Leads a Revival
Strengthened his royal power by… limiting the authority of nobles Sent out royal agents to ensure that landholders (counts) governed justly One of his greatest accomplishments was the encouragement of learning - Opened palace school - Schools for future monks & priests

14 Illuminated Manuscripts

15 Charlemagne’s Heirs Charlemagne crowned son Louis the Pious as emperor before his death Louis was ineffective as ruler Louis left three sons to bicker over control of the Empire Treaty of Verdun divided empire into three kingdoms - Resulted in loss of power & authority  Emergence of feudalism

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