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C. Schwarz Experiments with a cooled p beam on an internal target Physics program Detector set-up Carsten Schwarz p e - coolerdetector High Energy Storage.

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Presentation on theme: "C. Schwarz Experiments with a cooled p beam on an internal target Physics program Detector set-up Carsten Schwarz p e - coolerdetector High Energy Storage."— Presentation transcript:

1 C. Schwarz Experiments with a cooled p beam on an internal target Physics program Detector set-up Carsten Schwarz p e - coolerdetector High Energy Storage Ring HESR P max = 15 GeV/c L max = 2·10 32 cm -2 s -1 Ø < 100 μm Δ p/p < 10 -5

2 C. Schwarz Physics program Charmonium spectroscopy Medium modifications of D mesons and J/Ψ in nuclei Hypernuclei CP violation Glueballs Hybrids

3 C. Schwarz Medium modifications of D mesons and J/Ψ in nuclei Continuation of present GSI physics FOPI, KAOS, HADES, …HESR Signal: medium modification of production threshold, resonance width e.g. Ψ’, χ 2 Absorption cross section of J/Ψ in nuclei (ρ=ρ 0 ). pionic atoms KAOS/FOPI HESR π K D vacuumnuclear medium ρ = ρ 0 π+π+ π-π- K-K- K+K+ D+D+ D-D- 25 MeV 100 MeV 50 MeV ? Mass modifications of mesons

4 C. Schwarz Charmonium gives information about QCD confinement potential. Many states are still missing. pp: direct population of all states. HESR allows investigation of states above DD threshold. Cooled beams with Δp/p≤10 -5 allow high precision scan of resonances. Charmonium spectroscopy 40 keV Crystal Ball e + e -

5 C. Schwarz Hypernuclei -- 3 GeV/c K+K Trigger _  secondary target  - (dss) p(uud)   (uds)  (uds) study of  interaction p

6 C. Schwarz Glueballs Hybrids qqg ggg HybridGlueball Normal meson: 2 fermions P = (-1) L+1 C = (-1) L+S Excited glue: bosonic degree of freedom → exotic quantum numbers eg. J PC =1 -+, 0 --, 0 +-, 2 +- … → normal quantum numbers Signal: exotic quantum numbers: partial wave analysis normal quantum numbers: model comparison (LGT) mixing with normal mesons charm sector: few resonances with small widths qq Meson

7 C. Schwarz CP violationin Hyperon decay p + p → Λ +Λ ↓ ↓ pπ - pπ + Measure decay asymmetry of angular distribution of p relative to Λ-Hyperon momentum. I p (θ p ) ~ 1+α cos(θ p ) for Λ CP conservation: α = - α Signal for CP violation: Theoretical prediction: ~10 -4 ~ 10 -5 Experiment: 10 10 reconstructed ΛΛ L=2·10 32 cm -2 s -1 → >1 year running

8 C. Schwarz HESR-Detector Formation of Ψ’ and decay in myons Ψ’→μ + μ - Ψ’→J/Ψ + X ↓ μ + μ - electrons similar → calorimeter for large angles. Simulations with Pluto event generator

9 C. Schwarz HESR-detector Internal target forward spectrometertarget spectrometer Heavy charmed mesons decay in light products with large p t. Solenoid is important. top view

10 C. Schwarz HESR detector side view

11 C. Schwarz Costs Solenoid 2.5 M€ Calorimeter (target) 12.5 M€ Tracking ( pixel detector, straw tubes) 3.0 M€ Cherenkov 3.5 M€ Hypernuclei ( read out electronics,micro tracker) 2.0 M€ Varia 1.9 M€ Trigger 1.5 M€ Infrastructure 2.0 M€ Contingency 2.0 M€ Sum 30.9 M€

12 C. Schwarz Collaborations: Working group: LEAR, COSY, SATURNE community MunichGermany Bochum “ Giessen “ Dresden “ Erlangen “ Jülich “ FerraraItaly Turin “ KrakowPoland Warsaw “ T. BarnesD. Bettoni R. CalabreseM. Düren S. GanzhurV. Hejny H. KochU. Lynen V. MetagH. Orth S. PaulK. Peters J. PochodzallaJ. Ritman L. SchmittC. Schwarz K. SethW. Weise U. Wiedner

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