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Team 10 Julia Liston. Project Overview  Our team’s goal is to build a prototype of a robot that can: Use GPS to locate a lost person Autonomously navigate.

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Presentation on theme: "Team 10 Julia Liston. Project Overview  Our team’s goal is to build a prototype of a robot that can: Use GPS to locate a lost person Autonomously navigate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team 10 Julia Liston

2 Project Overview  Our team’s goal is to build a prototype of a robot that can: Use GPS to locate a lost person Autonomously navigate towards the person Lead him or her back to a safe location, which is the starting location of the robot

3 Block Diagram 3 ADC’s for Sensors UART for GPS UART for RF Module 1 ADC for battery monitor 1 ADC for IR PWM for Motors

4 ARV Software Design Considerations  Need to update PWM on the motors regularly  Periodically get the location of the robot and the rescue point  Read sensor data regularly to decide a path  Decided to go with polling method

5 Main Initialize Timer1 initialize Timer2 initialize Initialize ATD Initialize PWM Initialize UART Navigate Get Sensors Calculate Range Steer Turn Right Turn Left Go Straight Emergency Stop Get Location Get Current Location Receive RF ARV Hierarchy Completed Needs Work

6 Start If infrared button pressed If Running If time to read sensors If time to update PWM If time to update location ARV Flowchart Main Start motor sequence Stop Run Stop Yes No Yes No Read Sensors Toggle Run/Stop No Update PWM Navigate Yes No Get Location Receive RF Yes

7 Transceiver Block Diagram +3.3 V Power Supply Module Microcontroller RF Transmitter Module (Xbee Pro) GPS Module UART (9 bit) PWR _CTR Rescue-Point Transceiver 1 UART for RF Module 1 UART for GPS

8 Transceiver Software Design Considerations  Decided to go with polling method  Periodically check GPS and decode  If received new location, send to the RF module

9 Transceiver Hierarchy Main Initialize Timer1 initialize Initialize UART Check GPS Decode Send to RF Completed Needs Work

10 Transceiver Flowchart Main Start If time to check GPS Decode GPS signal If location data has changed Send to RF Module If Toggle Off Stop no yes no yes no yes

11 Questions?

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