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Information for Year 10 Students and Parents The HSC and ATAR A 15 minute snapshot By Mark Grady 15/06/15.

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Presentation on theme: "Information for Year 10 Students and Parents The HSC and ATAR A 15 minute snapshot By Mark Grady 15/06/15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information for Year 10 Students and Parents The HSC and ATAR A 15 minute snapshot By Mark Grady 15/06/15

2 Reality  Understanding the HSC and ATAR completely is not something you can do in 15 minutes However  At the end of this session, you should have enough information to assist you in your course choices, or at least have the grounding to find out more.

3 Why would I want an ATAR?  ATAR – Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank  a numerical measure of a student’s overall academic achievement in the HSC in relation to that of other students. It’s about POSITION.  a number between 0.00 and 99.95 (only ATARs above 30 are reported)  intended for use by universities to rank and select school leavers for admission to university ATAR’s reflect the demand of a course, not the difficulty

4 HSC and ATAR  At least 6 units of Board Developed Courses  Including at least 2 units of English  At least 3 courses of 2U value or greater  At most 6 units of courses in Science can count  At least 4 subjects (including English)  At least 10 units of Board Developed Courses  Including at least 2 units of English ( x English Studies)  At least 4 Board Developed courses  Satisfactory completion of at least 8 Units of Category A courses  No more than 2 units of category B courses

5 So Basically  An ATAR has all the requirements of the HSC, plus others  Category A and B – What are these?  Category A courses have academic rigour and depth of knowledge to provide background for tertiary studies. Examples include Mathematics and Geography. Category A courses  Category B courses are courses that don’t provide an adequate background for tertiary studies, but they can contribute to the ATAR when combined with Category A courses. No more than two units of Category B courses can be included with the ATAR calculation. For a Category B course to be included in the ATAR calculation, you must be enrolled in the course with the Board of Studies and sit an exam Category B courses

6 So if you do not intend to go to University, don’t be bound by the restrictions an ATAR places on your course choices  In 2013, I made around 40 changes in 4 weeks to student’s course selections that were inappropriate. 2015 was similar!  Outcome  Up to 4 weeks of their time wasted  Up to 4 weeks of work to catch up on  Advice  Do courses that you are interested in and do well  Reality Check - If you have not shown a commitment to a course or to study by now, it is highly unlikely it will change next year

7 HOW is the ATAR calculated? How long have you got? Go to if you are interested STAGE 5 Truncate to nearest.05 STAGE 1 controlling for competition STAGE 4 Year 7 percentiles STAGE 2 determining the aggregate STAGE 3 Year 12 percentiles

8 Myth or Fact? I can study certain subjects (such as Extension Maths and Physics) to maximise my ATAR. MYTH FACT The only way you can maximise your ATAR is by achieving the highest possible assessment ranks and exam marks in all the courses you study. You can achieve high HSC marks and a high ATAR regardless of the courses you study or the school you attend.

9 Myth or Fact? If I am studying 11 units, the single-unit course won’t be counted in my ATAR calculation. MYTH FACT All your courses are converted to single units, and the best 8 units (after your best 2 units of English) are used to calculate your ATAR.

10 Summary  Am I going to University?  Yes – Need an ATAR  No – Do not let the ATAR bound your course choices  How do I get a good ATAR?  Select courses you enjoy and are good at is the best starting point (along with sustained effort)  How is the ATAR calculated?  Don’t worry about it. It is calculated and it works


12 So what courses are Category A or B?




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