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1 a significant vertical, or near vertical, rock exposure Canyon Cliff Plateau Hill.

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Presentation on theme: "1 a significant vertical, or near vertical, rock exposure Canyon Cliff Plateau Hill."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 a significant vertical, or near vertical, rock exposure Canyon Cliff Plateau Hill

2 2 a lowland area between higher lands such as mountains. Canyon Lowlands Coastline Valley

3 3 Place on Earth’s surface that is much higher than the land around it. Plateau Canyon Valley Mountain

4 4 D eep valley with very steep sides. Gulch Depression Cliff Canyon

5 5 Flat area on Earth’s surface. Faming land Flat Lands Plateau Plains

6 6 land that is completely surrounded by water. Peninsula Lake Marsh Island

7 7 Flat area higher than the land around it. Plateau Mountain Plain Cliff

8 8 A piece of land bordered on 3 sides by water Island Stream Isthmus Peninsula

9 9 are the largest bodies of water on earth. Sea Lake Ocean Gigantics

10 Large expanse of salt water connected with an ocean 10 Hint: He lives in a pineapple under the………. Ocean Lake Sea Bay

11 11 is the area where the ocean touches the land. Cliff lakeside Coast Interface

12 12 Mouth Gulf Strait Isthmus Narrow strip of water that connects to larger bodies of water

13 13 is a long flowing body of water. Lake Pond River Peninsula

14 14 Place where a river or stream begins Beginning Mouth Source Tributary

15 15 Place where stream or river flows into a larger body of water. The end of a river. Source River Tributary Mouth

16 16 A a small river that flows into a big one Tributary Mouth Source Stream

17 17 a narrow strip of land that is bordered on two sides by water and connects two larger land masses Lipsitzmus Peninsula Connector Isthmus

18 18 A ring- like reef formation in the ocean Circulet Atoll Archipelago Volcano

19 19 A Chain or group of islands Group Gang Archipelago Isthmus

20 20 a type of freshwater, brackish water or saltwater wetland that is found along rivers, pond, lakes and coasts. Mr. Lipsitz’s Classroom Swamp Atoll Lake

21 Direction Open your book to Map RA20 21. What best describes Egypt’s position in Africa? (north, east, southwest, or northeast)? 22. What country is directly southeast of Libya? 23. What country is directly southwest of Libya? 24. What ocean would you find off the west Coast of Africa?? 25. What ocean is off of the east Coast of Africa?? 26. What body of water connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea?? 27. What sea is directly north of Egypt? 28. What country is the farthest east in Africa?

22 Match these with their definition 29. Archipelago 30. Coast 31. Isthmus 32. Peninsula 33. Strait A.Narrow strip of water connecting 2 larger bodies of water B.Narrow strip of land with water on 2 sides that connects 2 larger bodies of land C.Place where the Ocean meets the land D.A piece of land that juts out into a body of water and is surrounded on 3 sides by that water E.Group of islands

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