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Status of MAMI C Hans-Jürgen Arends CB-Meeting, Basel October 4-6, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of MAMI C Hans-Jürgen Arends CB-Meeting, Basel October 4-6, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of MAMI C Hans-Jürgen Arends CB-Meeting, Basel October 4-6, 2006

2 The Harmonic Double Sided Microtron (HDSM) for MAMI C LINAC I (4.90GHz) LINAC II (2.45GHz) 10m 43 turns B=1.539T max I n j e c t i o n 8 5 5 M e V E x t r a c t i o n 1 5 0 7 M e V No. 2 No. 1 No. 4 No. 3 Matching-Section 4.90GHz

3 Status at the Glasgow-Meeting:

4 The next months (Sept): Final setup and technical commissioning of the 4.90 GHz linac, rf-systems, magnets and beam diagnostics devices of the linac axis. first injection test

5 Vacuum tubes and steering magnets 193 tubes („harp“), 384 steering magnets



8 first vacuum chamber manufactured in the Institute 7m All 4 dipole vacuum chambers were fully manufactured at KPH (welding of Al bars and plates) and are installed. 90° bending dipoles vacuum chambers free aperture in x: ± 8mm and y: ± 7mm

9 Next steps: (2006) first tests in diagnostic pulse mode (very low beam power) up to max. energy of 1.5 GeV guiding beam in the beam transfer tunnel tests in cw-operation and high current (100  A) tests of all beam transfer systems (A1, A2, A4) first tests for experiments (only 1.5 GeV) From 2007 on: beam for experiments (1500 MeV, tests, data taking) optimal orientation of polarization in all halls and for all energies possible by use of Wien-filter variable beam extraction (in steps of ~15 MeV between 872 MeV and 1320 MeV, and 1500 MeV)

10 Beam Extraction: correction magnets

11 Extraction System of the HDSM turn 43 fixed extraction magnet (1.5GeV) turn 30 turn 1 movable extraction magnet (0.87GeV – 1.32GeV) Extraction beam paths

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