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Ontology based e-Real Estate Agency Information System By Moein Mehrolhasani 055230 Bijan Zamanian 055156 cmpe 588.

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Presentation on theme: "Ontology based e-Real Estate Agency Information System By Moein Mehrolhasani 055230 Bijan Zamanian 055156 cmpe 588."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ontology based e-Real Estate Agency Information System By Moein Mehrolhasani 055230 Bijan Zamanian 055156 cmpe 588

2 Outline What is our goal? Semnatic state Agency Implementation Queris Results Future Work

3 What is our goal? Provide an ontology based information data base. For nonprofesional people to share their info in semantic world. For which who does not know any thing about ontology A simple system which can add,remove,update and retriev information in an ontology based system

4 Gets inputs from user Runs queris based on inputs Return the result if there is any

5 Implementation Prot é g é as ontology developer tool. RDQL as query language PHP as GUI developer Apache as a webserver

6 Implementation (Cont. 1) 1. Classes, Properties and attributs are defined in owl file. 2. Owl File is transformed to rdfs file for simplicity o f running RDQL queries over it. 3. A GUI is designed in PHP. 4. Class_RDQL.php is included in t.php to perform query. 5. Class_RDQL.php calls class_rdfparser.php

7 Implementation (Cont. 2) 1. Rdf file is parsed and queried using above mentioned classes. 2. Parameters of GUI are sent to query. 3. Query runs using above mentioned parameters. 4. Results are reflected.

8 The general form of an RDQL query SELECT variables listing FROM rdf documents WHERE patterns AND filter expressions USING prefix declaration

9 SELECT Every successful query returns a set of variable bindings. SELECT clause defines a list of variables to be returned. Each variable is introduced by a question mark (?) SELECT ?name ?email, ?age,?tel_number

10 FROM In the FROM clause we specify the path or URL of the RDF document to be queried

11 WHERE Indicate a list of triple patterns which have to be matched by each valid query result set. (subject, predicate, object) WHERE (?resource,,")

12 AND We can specify expressions over values of URIs and literals. arithmetic conditions string equality expressions Perl-styl regula expressions

13 USING A way to make the query easier to read write for humans shorten the length of URIs (used in the FROM, WHERE and AND clauses) WHERE (?resource, vCard:EMAIL, "") USING vCard FOR

14 Results of a query

15 Results of a query (Cont.1)

16 Thank you for your attentions

17 Refrences [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] http://

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