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 Empowers to your customer  Product Rating and its Management in Ecommerce Framework  Product Reviews and Management: Collecting customer opinion about.

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2  Empowers to your customer  Product Rating and its Management in Ecommerce Framework  Product Reviews and Management: Collecting customer opinion about a product

3  There are two most famous ways to empower customer  Product Rating  Product Reviews  Product Rating is a process of assigning a value to a product  Show your likeness and dislikenes  Limited to set of values (usually 1-5)

4  Product Rating is simple to add in framework  Show rating options to customer on each product ▪ Radio buttons, stars etc. ▪ Values ranges from 1 to 5  Customer selects one and only one value  Selected values are recorded in table  Average of recorded values is calculated  Show average value to customer on product page Can a customer rate a product multiple times? Can an anonymous customer rate a product?

5  For Registered customers  When they give rating  Values are saved in table against their CustomerID  Average rating is updated and displayed on product page  For Anonymous customers  When they give rating to a product  Values are saved in table against IP and Session (Like wish list)  Average rating is updated on product page How to save their rating?

6  We need a table in database with columns  ID (Integer, Primary Key, Auto Increment), ContentID (Integer), Rating (Integer), User ID (Integer), Timestamp (datetime), Session ID(Varchar), IP Address (Varchar)

7  Controller will perform the following task When customer click for rating  Pass rated value (bw 1-5) to url  Parse the URL and extract the information ▪ User Identity, Product ID and Rated Value etc.  Check product is valid  Check rated value is valid  Check user identity ▪ If logged in, get UserID from user table ▪ If anonymous, get IP address and timestamp

8  Check current customer has already rated the current product ▪ If yes, ignore further processing ▪ If no, save information in Rating Table  Calculate average with new values  Redirect user to rated product page

9  To display rating of product we have to use following query  It is a sub query for rating within main query for product information

10  Product Reviews are customers opinion, feedback, likeness or dislikes about product  A simple feed back form on product page with:  Customer name, email, feedback as well  Reviews can be displayed on product page simple as on blogs or comments

11  We needs a Review table with following columns in DB to store customer reviews

12  SQL statement to create content_comments  SQL statement to maintain referential integrity

13  A simple process of product review can be:  Along with table in DB, we need to provide a form to customer for getting review  Customer will fill the form and click on submit button  Form values are processed and saved in DB  Review is pending for Admin approval  After Admin approval, Review is displayed on product page  If admin rejects, Review is deleted from DB and not displayed on product page

14  Simple Product Review form can be:

15  Controller will perform the following actions  Get the data from form after its submission  Validate the form data  Check if customer is logged in ▪ Save data with customer logged in information  If not logged in ▪ Save reviews with IP and timestamp  Redirect/move customer on product page after adding review  After approval from admin ▪ Show review on product page

16  What do we need to do to display reviews and comments? 1. Check to see if there are any comments 2. Display either the comments or a "no comments" template 3. Check to see if new comments are allowed 4. Display either the comments form or a "no comments allowed" template  Displaying and approving reviews are part of admin controller

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