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The Yogi Project Software property checking via static analysis and testing Aditya V. Nori, Sriram K. Rajamani, Sai Deep Tetali, Aditya V. Thakur Microsoft.

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Presentation on theme: "The Yogi Project Software property checking via static analysis and testing Aditya V. Nori, Sriram K. Rajamani, Sai Deep Tetali, Aditya V. Thakur Microsoft."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Yogi Project Software property checking via static analysis and testing Aditya V. Nori, Sriram K. Rajamani, Sai Deep Tetali, Aditya V. Thakur Microsoft Research India

2 Synergizing Testing and Static Analysis Idea: Combine testing and static analysis through a “synergy” of both New algorithms ( Synergy, Dash, SMASH ) to do scalable proofs using testing Industrial strength tool ( 3 person years) Synergy : Gulavani, Henzinger, Kannan, N., Rajamani, FSE 2006 Dash : Beckman, N., Rajamani, Simmons, ISSTA 2008 SMASH : Godefroid, N., Rajamani, Tetali, MSR-TR-2009

3 The problem Question Is error() unreachable for all possible inputs? Input Testing: finds bugs, but can’t prove their absence Static analysis: can prove the absence of bugs, but can result in false errors

4 a↦true b↦false limit↦2 × Testing × a↦true b↦false limit↦2 i↦0 lock↦1 x=0 y=0

5 a↦true b↦false limit↦2 × Testing × × × × × × × × × × × × ×

6 a↦true b↦false limit↦2 × Testing × × × × × × × × × × × × × test

7 Abstraction 1 2:ρ × × s1s1 s2s2

8 Abstraction 0 2 34 5 1 9 67 8 11 10

9 Proof 2:ρ 0 2: ¬ρ 3:ρ4: ¬ρ 5: ¬ρ 1:ρ 9:ρ 6:ρ7: ¬ρ 8: ¬ρ 11 10 9: ¬ρ 1: ¬ρ 4:ρ 3: ¬ρ 5:ρ 7:ρ 6::¬ρ 8:ρ ρ = (lock != 1)

10 Key Ideas  Frontier: Boundary between tested and untested regions  WP α : New refinement operation that does not depend on whole program alias information 0 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 × × × × × × × × × 5 6 ×× × × 10 frontier

11 Key Ideas Step 1 : Try to generate a test that crosses the frontier – Perform symbolic simulation on the path until the frontier and generate a constraint  1 – Conjoin with the condition  2 needed to cross frontier – Is  1  2 satisfiable? 0 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 × × × × × × × × × 5 6 ×× × × 10 11 22 frontier

12 Key Ideas 0 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 × × × × × × × × × 5 6 ×× × × 10 frontier Step 1 : Try to generate a test that crosses the frontier – Perform symbolic simulation on the path until the frontier and generate a constraint  1 – Conjoin with the condition needed to cross frontier  2 – Is  1  2 satisfiable? [YES] Step 2 : run the test and extend the frontier × × ×

13 Key Ideas Step 1 : Try to generate a test that crosses the frontier – Perform symbolic simulation on the path until the frontier and generate a constraint  1 – Conjoin with the condition needed to cross frontier  2 – Is  1  2 satisfiable? [NO] 0 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 × × × × × × × × × 5 6 ×× × × 10 11 22 frontier

14 Key Ideas Step 1 : Try to generate a test that crosses the frontier – Perform symbolic simulation on the path until the frontier and generate a constraint  1 – Conjoin with the condition needed to cross frontier  2 – Is  1  2 satisfiable? [NO] Step 2 : use WP α to refine so that the frontier moves back! 0 1 2 3 4 :¬ρ 7 8 9 × × × × × × × × × 5 6 ×× × × 10 frontier 4:ρ4:ρ

15 DASH : Proofs from Tests – Algorithm uses only test case generation operations – Maintains two data structures: A forest of reachable concrete states (tests) – Under-approximates executions of the program A region graph (an abstraction) – Over-approximates all executions of the program – Our goal: bug finding and proving If a test reaches an error, we have found bug If we refine the abstraction so that there is *no* path from the initial region to error region, we have a proof – Handles the richness of C New operator WP α uses only aliases α that are present along concrete tests that are executed Algorithm uses recursive invocations to handle inter-procedural analysis

16 Can extend test beyond frontier? Refine abstraction Construct initial abstraction Construct random tests Test succeeded? Bug! Abstraction succeeded? τ = error path in abstraction f = frontier of error path yes no yes no Proof! yes no Input: Program P Property ψ The DASH Algorithm

17 Example Can extend test beyond frontier? Refine abstraction Construct initial abstraction Construct random tests Test succeeded? Bug! Abstraction succeeded? τ = error path in abstraction f = frontier of error path yes no yes no Proof! yes no Input: Program P Property ψ

18 τ=(0,1,2,3,4,7,8,9) Example Symbolic execution + Theorem proving frontier Can extend test beyond frontier? Refine abstraction Construct initial abstraction Construct random tests Test succeeded? Bug! Abstraction succeeded? τ = error path in abstraction f = frontier of error path yes no yes no Proof! yes no Input: Program P Property ψ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 × × × × × × × × × × × × × × 10 × y = 1

19 Refinement 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 × × × × × × × × × × × × × × 10 × 8:¬ ρ 8:ρ 9 8 9 ρ= (lock.state != L) ×× refine

20 Refinement 8:¬ ρ 8:ρ 9 8 9 ρ= (lock.state != L) ×× 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 :¬ρ 9 × × × × × × × × × × × × × × 10 × 8:ρ refine

21 Example τ=(0,1,2,3,4,7,,9) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 :¬ρ 9 × × × × × × × × × × × × × × 10 × 8:ρ Can extend test beyond frontier? Refine abstraction Construct initial abstraction Construct random tests Test succeeded? Bug! Abstraction succeeded? τ = error path in abstraction f = frontier of error path yes no yes no Proof! yes no Input: Program P Property ψ frontier

22 Correct, the program is 0 1 2 3 4⋀¬s 5⋀¬s 6⋀¬r 9 × × × × × × × × × × × 7⋀¬q × 8⋀¬p × 4⋀s 5⋀s 6⋀r 7⋀q 8⋀p × 10

23 Handling procedure calls Key idea Perform a recursive Dash query on the called procedure and use the result to either generate a test or compute WP α S k-1 SkSk × S k-2 T × CALL(foo(i, j)) frontier

24 Interprocedural analysis S k-1 SkSk × S k-2 T × CALL(foo(i, j)) Dash[assume(φ 1 ), foo(i, j), assert(¬φ 2 )] - pass: perform refinement - fail: generate test 11 22

25 Correctness Theorem. If Dash terminates on (P, φ), then either of the following is true: – If Dash returns (“pass”, Σ ≃ ), then Σ ≃ is a proof that P cannot reach ¬φ – If Dash returns (“fail”, t), then t certifies that P reaches ¬φ Theorem. Every Dash iteration entails exactly one theorem prover call However … Dash need not terminate! Thus, usefulness is based on empirical evidence

26 Locked do { //get the write lock KeAcquireSpinLock(&devExt->writeListLock); nPacketsOld = nPackets; request = devExt->WriteListHeadVa; if(request && request->status){ devExt->WriteListHeadVa = request->Next; KeReleaseSpinLock(&devExt->writeListLock); irp = request->irp; if(request->status > 0){ irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; irp->IoStatus.Information = request->Status; } else{ irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; irp->IoStatus.Information = request->Status; } SmartDevFreeBlock(request); IoCompleteRequest(irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); nPackets++; } } while (nPackets != nPacketsOld); KeReleaseSpinLock(&devExt->writeListLock); L L Windows Device Drivers Unlocked Error U U


28 Source Code Testing Development API Usage Rules (SLIC) Software Model Checking Read for understanding New API rules Drive testing tools Defects 100% path coverage Rules Static Driver Verifier

29 Source Code Testing Development API Usage Rules (SLIC) Software Model Checking Read for understanding New API rules Drive testing tools Defects 100% path coverage Rules Static Driver Verifier

30 Architecture of Yogi Yogi IR (yir) C Program slamcl database slicc SLIC property Instrumented database li2yir Test case that exposes a bug Proof that program satisfies property Alias and mod-ref information Z3 theorem prover YAbsManYSim polymorphicregion graphs initial functions summaries

31 Implementation ~6K lines of F# Z3 theorem prover Integrated with SDV for Windows Engineering effort: 3 person years

32 Static Driver Verifier Runs #drivers = 69, #properties = 85 largest driver = ~30 KLOCs #KLOCs = ~350 KLOCS Yogi works on 129 runs where SLAM “gives up” Yogi takes ~ 12 hours whereas SLAM takes ~42 hours

33 Thanks to … Nels Beckman (CMU) Bhargav Gulavani (IIT Bombay) Thomas Henzinger (EPFL) Yamini Kannan (Berkeley) Robert Simmons (CMU) Leonardo de Moura (MSR Redmond) Nikolaj Bjorner (MSR Redmond)


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