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There may be a title here that come from the foundation.

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1 There may be a title here that come from the foundation

2 Objectives  In this slide set, you will learn: What naloxone (Narcan) is How it works when administered to a person who has overdosed How to recognize the signs of a narcotic overdose When to give naloxone to a person who has overdosed

3 Statistics  Death resulting from heroin overdose has double in the past two years  Death resulting from overdose of prescription pain killers has quadrupled in the past 10 years  Nearly 5,000 people a year die from heroin overdose and 16,000 from overdose of prescription pain killers

4 Why do people die? 1. Too much heroin or other narcotics causes people to become very sleepy. 2. As they get sleepier, their breathing becomes slower and more shallow. 3. This leads to low oxygen levels which causes damage to the heart and brain. 4. Eventually, the heart slows down and stops

5 Steve’s Law  In 2014, the Minnesota State Legislature passed “Steve’s Law” allowing firefighters and other first responders to administer naloxone to a person who is exhibiting the signs of an overdose of a narcotic  The bill also allows non-medically trained persons to administer the medication in the right settings

6 Authorization  EMR or law enforcement groups who want to be able to provide naloxone will need to get authorization from a licensed physician, physician assistant or advanced practice nurse.

7 Naloxone  Naloxone is a medication available in all hospitals and most ambulances.  It acts in the brain to immediately reverse the effects of the narcotic the person has taken  It last about 45 minutes before it is cleared from the body

8 Side effects  Naloxone has no side effects and very few people have shown an allergy to the medication  When used, the person will likely develop symptoms like vomiting, sweating and shortness of breath These are essentially symptoms of withdrawal from the narcotic and are not unexpected

9 What does an overdose look like?  Persons who have taken too much narcotic pain killers or heroin will have many of the following findings when you observe them blue lips and fingernails, a slow pulse very small pupils absent or very slow breathing inability to be woken up.

10 Act Fast  When you find someone who you think as overdosed, look for the tell tale signs. Are they sleepy and cannot be woken up? Is there breathing very slow or absent? Are their pupils very small?

11 Administer Naloxone  Ensure the scene is safe and enough providers are present to manage the patient  Assess ABCs and treat any immediate life threats  Provide supplemental oxygen as needed  If inadequate respiratory effort open airway attempt to place an oral airway support the patient’s breathing with ventilations using a pocket mask or BVM

12 Administer Nalxone  If the patient has inadequate breathing as well as other signs of narcotic overdose, prepare to give Narcan.

13 Giving the medication  It trained and at least two providers are present on an opioid overdose: Prepare equipment to deliver Narcan Administer 0.5 ml rapidly in each nostril If the patient has no change within 3-5 minutes, administer an additional 0.5 ml rapidly in each nostril

14 After care  Prepare patient for transport  The patient should be transported to an Emergency Department due the relative short-term effects of Narcan.

15 Save a life  You can not harm someone by giving them naloxone  In many cases, you will safe a life.

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