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Quarter 1 Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root Words. hydro-

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Presentation on theme: "Quarter 1 Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root Words. hydro-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quarter 1 Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root Words

2 hydro-

3 “water”

4 agri-

5 “fields”

6 ab-

7 “from, away”

8 -ee

9 “one who receives (an action)”

10 psych-

11 “mind, soul, spirit”

12 aud

13 “to hear”

14 im/in-

15 “not, into” Use im- when the word begins with an m or p

16 -et/ette

17 “small, feminine”

18 bene- beni-

19 “good, well”

20 circum-

21 “around”

22 inter-

23 “between or among”

24 -ian

25 “one relating to, belonging to, or resembling”

26 -ion

27 “Act of, state of, or condition of”

28 corp-

29 “body”

30 dic- dict-

31 “speak, say”

32 mal-

33 “badly, poor”

34 -ive

35 “causing, making”

36 dur-

37 “hard, lasting”

38 equ- equi-

39 “equal”

40 uni-

41 “one”

42 strict

43 “draw tight”

44 luna-

45 “moon”

46 nav-

47 “ship”

48 ped-

49 “foot”

50 sci-

51 “know”

52 sent- sens-

53 “feel”

54 sol- soli-

55 “alone, lonely”

56 spec-

57 “look, see”

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