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The house chores.

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Presentation on theme: "The house chores."— Presentation transcript:

1 The house chores

2 I do the hoovering

3 I do the dishes

4 I tidy up my bedroom

5 I lay the table

6 I do the cooking

7 I make my bed

8 I do the shopping

9 Je mets le couvert/la table I lay the table Je range ma chambre
Je fais le ménage I do the hoovering Je fais la cuisine I do the cooking Je fais la vaisselle I do the dishes Je fais les courses I do the shopping Je mets le couvert/la table I lay the table Je range ma chambre I tidy up my bedroom Je fais mon lit I make my bed A imprimer 1 fois 9


11 Exercice 1 A)To do the cooking B)To do the dishes
Match up letters with pictures A)To do the cooking B)To do the dishes C)To do the housechores D)To do the shopping E)To make my bed F)To tidy my bedroom G)To lay the table Mettre le couvert/la table Faire mon lit Faire le ménage Faire la vaisselle Faire les courses Ranger ma chambre Faire la cuisine

12 Exercice 1 ANSWERS A)To do the cooking B)To do the dishes
C)To do the house chores D)To do the shopping E)To make my bed F)To tidy my bedroom G)To lay the table Faire la cuisine Faire la vaisselle Faire le ménage Faire les courses Faire mon lit Ranger ma chambre Mettre le couvert/la table

13 What do you do to help at home?
I don’t like to do (or doing) the shopping because it’s boring doing the house chores doing the cooking laying the table Tidying my bedroom I like I quite like I prefer I don’t like I hate because it’s Because it’s not pleasant funny relaxing rubbish tiring boring Le ballon

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