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C. Thomas, 5 th Grade, Fairmont Charter School.

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Presentation on theme: "C. Thomas, 5 th Grade, Fairmont Charter School."— Presentation transcript:

1 C. Thomas, 5 th Grade, Fairmont Charter School


3 revolution colonies

4 Unit 1 ● Week 5 navigation Key Words Navigation is guiding the course of a ship or airplane. What is the importance of good navigation?

5 Unit 1 ● Week 5 instruct Key Words To instruct means to teach or to inform. What will your teacher instruct the class about today?

6 Unit 1 ● Week 5 patriots Key Words Patriots are people who support and defend their country. What other patriots can you name?

7 Unit 1 ● Week 5 tyrant Key Words A tyrant is a person who uses power in a cruel or unjust way. Who was a tyrant?

8 Unit 1 ● Week 5 stark Key Words Something that is stark is harsh and grim. What is an antonym for the word stark?

9 Unit 1 ● Week 5 governor Key Words A governor is the leader or head of government of a colony or state. Who is the governor of our state?

10 Unit 1 ● Week 5 inspect Key Words To inspect is to look at closely or carefully. Describe a situation when someone you know had to inspect something.

11 Unit 1 ● Week 5 stand beside Function Words & Phrases In English, we use stand beside to describe a way that someone helps another person. It means “to support or help someone who is having difficulties.”

12 Unit 1 ● Week 5 take a deep breath Function Words & Phrases In English, we use ‘take a deep breath’ to describe what you do when you get ready to do something difficult. Taking a deep breath helps you feel calm while you think about the hard thing you are going to do.

13 Unit 1 ● Week 5 a man of his word/a woman of her word Function Words & Phrases In English, we use ‘a man of his word/a woman of her word to describe an honorable and trustworthy person…to describe someone who is honest, tells the truth and keeps promises. This person can be trusted.

14 Unit 1 ● Week 5 times were hard Function Words & Phrases In English, we use “times were hard” to describe difficult living conditions…a person may not have had a place to live or enough to eat. It may have been hard or difficult for the person to get through the day.

15 Unit 1 ● Week 5 common (park) Basic Words

16 Unit 1 ● Week 5 harbor Basic Words

17 Unit 1 ● Week 5 dock Basic Words

18 Unit 1 ● Week 5 masts Basic Words

19 Unit 1 ● Week 5 wharf Basic Words

20 Unit 1 ● Week 5 weather vane Basic Words

21 Vocabulary Words governorinspectinstruct navigationpatriotsstark tyrant

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