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Classification System Dichotomous Key with Harry Potter

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Presentation on theme: "Classification System Dichotomous Key with Harry Potter"— Presentation transcript:

1 Classification System Dichotomous Key with Harry Potter
Taxonomy Classification System Dichotomous Key with Harry Potter Magic wand on this slide With some magic sparkle

2 What are common names for this animal?
Puma, cougar, mountain lion, panther

3 What are common names for this animal?
Buzzard vs hawk vs falcon

4 Common Names Can be misleading
Crayfish Catfish Silverfish

5 classifying organisms & giving them a universally accepted name
Taxonomy: classifying organisms & giving them a universally accepted name Lets classify some goblins!

6 Classifying both living and nonliving things,
so that we better understand the world around us Who was the first to create a system in the science world? booger Plant lady professor hufflepuff

7 Who was the first to create a system in the science world?
Carolus Linnaeus Botanist & Father of taxonomy gave them all Latin names Came up with the system in the 1700s that is still used today Taxonomy: think teachers versus “science teachers” or biology teachers Wizard hat on linnaeus

8 Linnaeus’s System of Classification
Organisms are classified by their: * physical structure (how they look) * evolutionary relationships (phylogeny) * genetic similarities (DNA) * biochemical similarities  biochemistry: structure and function of cellular components such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and other biomolecules.

9 Professor Linnaeus Binomial nomenclature:
each species is assigned a two-part scientific name Two-part: Genus & Species What is a species? Genius!!

10 Binomial nomenclature
Scientific name is always written in italics First letter in the first word is CAPITALIZED Second is lowercased Ursus arctos Ursus maritimus Add picture of grizzly and polar bear Ask students: what do you see, by looking at these two scientific name do you think these two animals are related?

11 The categories to classify Organisms
Hierarchical classification: Broad  specific Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Binomial name

12 Harry Potter Classification
Hogwarts Houses: Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor Year: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. Student: Harry, Ron, Hermione Harry Potter: Organisms are first classified from broader categories, then are divided into more specific/similar subgroups


14 Dichotomous Key Dichotomous Keys use Taxonomy to identify the species name by the organisms physical attributes A step-by-step guide to identify an organism Each step gives a choice of two descriptions. The descriptions have to be opposites Ex. Leaves round vs. leaves not round Check out my moon walk  Goblin picture “remember the goblins?”


16 Lets Classify some House Elves
8 goblins Why would we want to classify these goblins? Why, how, what

17 The Tree of Life evolves
A. The classification has changed since Linnaeus’s time with new evolutionary findings B. At 1st living organisms were classified as either plant or animal, today there are more precise classifications producing 6 main Kingdoms based on cell structure, # of cells, how they get their food & movement 1. Eubacteria 2.Archaebacteria 3. Protista 4. Fungi 5. Plantae 6. Animalia

18 3-Domain System A. Domain is larger than a Kingdom & separates the kingdoms into major groups 1. Eukarya - protists, fungi, plants & animals 2. Bacteria – eubacteria 3. Archaea - archaebacteria

19 Kingdom Eubacteria Prokaryotic single celled organisms that are heterotrophs (can not make own food) some can be autotrophs (make own food) Found everywhere

20 Kingdom Archaebacteria
Prokaryotic single celled organisms that are heterotrophs while some can be autotrophs Found only in extreme conditions hot springs, salt brines, ocean vents

21 Kingdom Protista Eukaryotic single celled organism that either be autotrophic or heterotrophic There are Plant-like, Animal-like & Fungi-like

22 Protists: Red Tide

23 Kingdom Fungi Eukaryotic usually multicellular heterotrophs with cell walls that consume decaying matter Few are unicellular bread molds

24 Kingdom Plantae Eukaryotic multicellular autotroph (photosynthesis) organisms with cell walls

25 Kingdom Animalia Eukaryotic multicellular heterotrophs with no cell walls

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