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Italy and the League of Nations 1934 to 36

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1 Italy and the League of Nations 1934 to 36
The Abyssinian Crisis Italy and the League of Nations 1934 to 36

2 Aims of the lesson By the end of this lesson you will learn about
The ambitions of Mussolini How the League of Nations failed to stop Italian aggression in Abyssinia

3 Background The League of Nations was a good idea but in practise it was a failure Difficult to make decisions – too much self interest USA, Germany and USSR were not members In Manchuria the Japanese (a member of the council) was allowed to get away with an aggressive invasion – LoN did nothing

4 Mussolini Fascist ruler of Italy since 1922
Wanted to build an empire in Africa – already controlled Libya, Somaliland and Eritrea Had tried to conquer Abyssinia (Ethiopia) in 1896 and failed Humiliating – wanted revenge December 1934 – 30 soldiers killed in a border clash. Gave Italy the excuse to invade

5 The invasion Very successful – Abyssinian army had spears and Italians machine guns Britain and France did not want to upset Italy in case it made her friendly with Hitler April 1935 – Stresa Front. Britain, Italy and France agreed to join together against Germany.

6 LoN inaction Most British people wanted her to stop the invasion – Government not keen September 1935 – Samuel Hoare (GB Foreign Secretary) called for collective action against Italy Tough talk in public – but sucking up to the Italians in private October 1935 – invasion succeeded

7 Haile Selassie Emperor of Abyssinia Appealed for help to LoN
LoN imposed economic sanctions – no country allowed to trade with her Just bought from USA Britain and France allowed Mussolini to use the Suez Canal – breaking own sanctions

8 Treachery Hoare and Laval (French Foreign Minister) devised a plan to divide Abyssinia in two Italy to be given two thirds and rest to Haile Selassie if Mussolini stopped fighting Hoare-Laval Pact – details leaked in December 1935 Uproar – looked like Britain and France were putting self interest above Abyssinia and the League of Nations

9 The consequences By May 1936 the Italian had conquered the whole of Abyssinia Selaisse fled the country and went to Geneva to address the League Too late – LoN was totally discredited Backfired in October 1936 Mussolini signed the Berlin-Rome Axis pact with Hitler.

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