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Bellringer Use the Self-Evaluation Form you picked up at the front door to think about your quarter: What have you done well? What can you improve upon?

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer Use the Self-Evaluation Form you picked up at the front door to think about your quarter: What have you done well? What can you improve upon?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer Use the Self-Evaluation Form you picked up at the front door to think about your quarter: What have you done well? What can you improve upon? BJOTD: Where do books sleep?

2 Indo-European Migrations and Indian Empires

3 Background Classical Indian civilization began in the Indus River Valley, and later spread to the Ganges River Valley. Indian civilization was not interrupted by invasion in its early history due to its relative isolation by natural barriers such as – the Himalayas – Hindu Kush Mountains – Indian Ocean

4 Eventually, invaders entered India through the passes in the Hindu Kush mountains. These invaders were known as the Aryans.


6 Aryans (Indo-Aryans) Semi-nomadic people who crossed the mountains into the Indus Valley around 1500 BCE Asserted their dominance in India and over Indian people by creating a rigidly structured society, called the caste system.

7 Caste System Social classes based on skin color – Meant that the classes were not flexible (rigid) Castes: – Brahmins: priests and religious scholars on top – Kshtryiyas: lawmakers and warriors – Vaishyas: merchants and traders – Shudras: laborers – Untouchables: butchers, trash collectors Your caste influenced all social interactions and occupations

8 Processing What important contributions did the Aryans bring to the Indian civilization? How do you think the Nazi idea of “Aryan” compares to this form of “Aryan”?

9 Mauryan Empire: 305 BCE-230 BCE Founded by Chandragupta Maurya Expanded by Ashoka, who continued the political unification of India Ashoka converted to Buddhism after seeing the devastation that war caused.

10 Contributions: – Buddhism – Free hospitals – Veterinary clinics – Improved roads

11 Gupta Empire: 320 CE-420 CE Reigned during the peak of classical Indian culture- “the Golden Age” Significant contributions: – Mathematics (zero, modern numbers, decimals) – Medicine (setting bones) – Astronomy (First to think the earth was round) – New textiles – Literature (poems, dramas)

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