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District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 1 Welcome to Train the Trainer!

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Presentation on theme: "District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 1 Welcome to Train the Trainer!"— Presentation transcript:

1 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 1 Welcome to Train the Trainer!

2 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 2 This training seminar is designed to prepare training leaders to effectively train Rotarians. Seminar Purpose

3 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 3 Session 1: Leadership Development Training Cycle

4 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 4 Learning Objectives Understand the Leadership Development Training Cycle. Know the training meetings in your district. Understand your role as a training leader.

5 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 5 Leadership Development Training Cycle

6 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 6

7 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 7 District Training Events EventConvener District team training seminarGovernor-elect Presidents-elect training seminar (PETS)Governor-elect District assemblyGovernor-elect District membership seminarGovernor-elect District leadership seminarGovernor District Rotary Foundation seminarGovernor Leadership development programGovernor Rotaract leadership trainingGovernor

8 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 8 Your Role at the Meeting Ensure that participants learn. Follow the training plan for the session/meeting. Follow up on unanswered questions. Get permission from training committee for new handouts.

9 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 9 Session 2: Training Rotarians

10 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 10 Learning Objectives Understand the characteristics of an adult learner. List ways that adults best retain information. Use different presentation strategies.

11 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 11 Qualities of Adult Learners Realistic Practical Experienced Unique Busy

12 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 12 Adult Learner Retention Adults retain information that is Interesting Repeated Applicable to their daily lives Reinforced with interactive activities

13 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 13 Presentation Strategies Demonstrate enthusiasm. Know the material. Face the participants. Avoid using fillers (such as “uh” or “um”). Avoid excessive movement. Write neatly and spell correctly. Pace yourself, so participants can take notes.

14 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 14 Session 3: Facilitating Learning

15 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 15 Learning Objectives Describe the characteristics of a good facilitator. Explain different techniques used in facilitated discussion.

16 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 16 A Good Facilitator Explores critical issues through questioning Creates a safe environment for participation Keeps group focused and on schedule Neutralizes negative behavior Projects a positive image

17 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 17 Effective Facilitation Techniques Ask open-ended questions. Pose participant questions to group. Accept all comments without judgment. Correct misinformation respectfully.

18 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 18 Session 4: Nonverbal Communication

19 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 19 Learning Objectives Summarize the different types of nonverbal communication. Describe how to adapt your training based on nonverbal communication.

20 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 20 Types of Nonverbal Communication Voice Facial expressions Gestures Silence Eye contact Use of space

21 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 21 Reading Cues If participants seem…Try… UncomfortableDoing a “getting to know you” activity UninterestedTelling a story, doing an interactive activity, or using gestures for a more lively presentation ConfusedGiving or asking for examples, and allowing for questions OpposedAsking for their thoughts on the subject

22 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 22 Session 5: Time Management

23 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 23 Learning Objectives Identify techniques for managing time. Identify what materials you need in training room.

24 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 24 Time Management Techniques Begin and end sessions promptly. Distribute handout packets in advance. Prepare flip charts in advance. Request each group to report best idea (instead of all). Allow breaks to energize participants.

25 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 25 What to Look for in Training Room General room set-up Training materials Equipment (see Training Leader Preparation Worksheet at for more details)

26 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 26 Session 6: Interactive Training Methods

27 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 27 Learning Objectives Understand benefits of using interactive activities. Identify techniques for making training interactive.

28 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 28 Benefits of Interactive Activities Maintain interest and refocus attention. Create comfortable atmosphere for expressing ideas. Reinforce concepts learned. Stimulate brain activity with physical movement.

29 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 29 Interactive Activities “Getting to know you” activity Pair and share Voting Small groups Role play

30 District XXXX 20XX Train the Trainer | 30 Thank you for attending Train the Trainer!

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